Why Dome in my product contains lines?

The product is infinite Gardens here http://www.daz3d.com/infinite-gardens in the DAZ STore. WHen i render 3DDelight, lines appear as if it was a wireframe sphere or something.



640 x 480 - 211K


  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,876
    edited December 2016

    Select the dome in the Scene pane. Then use the context menu Edit->Geometry>Convert to SubD. That often fixes problems like this. Take a look at ths old thread, too.

    Post edited by barbult on
  • Thanks alot that did the job for the upper part of the dome. The main dome.  But i still get a line in the plants section where the background is. I guess that may not be part of the dome but i did perform the steps you said in the background plants/trees section and there is still a line running across in the center of the world.

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