3Delight: S2050 shader error

I'm getting the dreaded white matte material renders for 3delight renders for my characters skin. I already delete and re-delete my brickyard folder, no luck. I threw different skin material on my character then threw the old one back, no luck. I made sure Daz was completely shut down then restarted it, no luck. Shut down laptop and restarted it the next day, no luck. I reinstalled Daz, no luck. Anything else I can do?
3Delight message #45 (Severity 2): S2050: cannot find shader 'brickyard/{407f8e5c-3a9b-4708-b5e5-799ff1fe7c1d}/shader_Surface', will use 'defaultsurface'
Does it go away if you restart the render without doing anything else? I have had occasions when the render seems tos tart before the last shader is fully compiled.
It does not. I've yet to see it go away at all.
In the Surface tab, what shader does it say is on the surface? (if it's an entire skin, pick any of the skin surfaces.)
How would I find that out? Currently looking around to see how to get that info to you, sorry. I'm still learning how to use this.
Look at top-left of the Surfaces pane, in the Editor tab.
That is one that sometimes needs the brickyard folder cleared, and usually clearing the brickyard folder fixes it. Try going to Edit>Preferences and choose a new location for your DS Temp folder, see if that works better.
Tried, did not work. Nice idea, though.
The only other thing I can think of, right now, is to reinstall the Default Resources...
Reinstall this? http://www.daz3d.com/subsurface-shader-base
Or other resources?
Nevermind lol, you meant the actual Default Resources. Giving it a try.
No solutions, I'll just switch everything over to Iray Uber. Hopefully that will work just fine.