Overknee lace up boots V4 and V5

RianBRianB Posts: 18
edited December 1969 in Daz Studio Discussion

Hallo, i would like to ask, if i buy the V5 shoe pack, i have the overknee lace up boots, but then for V5.
There is also a Overknee lace boots set for V4, and there are beauttifull textures for it.
My question is; can i use the textures for the V4 boots also for the V5 boots?


  • Herald of FireHerald of Fire Posts: 3,504
    edited December 1969

    Without seeing the models themselves I can't say, but I'm going to take a guess and say it's unlikely. Generally the UV's for clothing items differ widely between different products, even similar products by the same authors can have very different UV's. With different UV's, the texture's won't match up correctly, leaving ugly seams or patches.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    As both sets of boots have templates (UV maps) availalbe for download (under Resource Files on the product pages) it could be worth while downloading these and comparing them in a paint program to see if they are the same.

  • RianBRianB Posts: 18
    edited December 1969

    Thanx for youre answers. I have found a tutorial how i could use the textures, and replace them for other textures, and now i can pimp the boots the way i like.
    So i can make the boots so colourfull as i want ;-)
    Thank you, and also a happy new year!

  • MattymanxMattymanx Posts: 6,960
    edited December 1969

    OverKnee Lace-up Boots:

    V5 Shoe Pack:

    Both versions of the boot share the same UVs so the two addons can be used with it too.

    HOT Boots:

    Fashion Lace-Up: - No DS mats included.. DS users will need to edit the surfaces to achive the same look of close.

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