Help Needed trying to morph Genesis using Sculptris

I am 100% new to modeling. I found the tutorial in the online manual, but I am having problems. What I have tried to do:
- selected the Genesis Child
- set mesh resolution level to base
- set mesh subdivision to 0 (found in another forum through search)
- exported to OBJ with settings as shown in tutorial, using Daz conversion to Daz setting
--- entered Sculptris
- imported the Genesis OBJ
- using the Grab function, I stretched the skull area - which I am guessing has added to the polygon count
- exported to a new OBJ file
--- back in Daz
- the Genesis child is selected in the scene
- run morph loader pro with Daz conversion setting, placing OBJ into Actor/Head property group
- receive the error message: Warning: Geometry did not match, failed to create morph.
Can you tell me is this due to adding more polygons? And, if so, how would I morph without doing so???
Or, is something else causing my issue?
If you are creating a morph, you cannot add or subtract any polygons, that cannot work at all. You are using the sculpted model to tell the vertices in the original where to move to, this is called a 'Morph Target' , and if the vertices don't exist in the original, it can't work.
I don't think the Grab function should add any geometry to the model, I believe that it just pulls and pushes the existing vertices. I have Sculptris somewhere myself, but I have never used it to create morphs for Genesis. I will try to follow your steps and see what happens. Perhaps someone else will be able to give you an answer before then.
did you use symmently option in sculptris? if you use it, it can not keep vertices order.
check this topic.
and there are some video tutorial,, I believe,, though it is not for genesis.
I remember I could same thing.
then,,, I recommend try hexagon too,, ,to first make morphs,, ^^;
because there are so many tutorial about hexagon,
and daz studio has hexagon bridge, so you need not get in trouble about export or inport setting,
I think.
kitakoredaz is correct, it is Symmetry that is causing the problem. I got it to work, but you must apply the created morph to a full sized newly loaded Genesis. As kitakoredaz says, Hexagon has some similar tools, and using the bridge, MorphLoader Pro pops up and asks for a name and location for the morph.
Here is my effort for what it is worth, no Symmetry used.
Hi,, Jimmy. If I said mistake,,,, sorry,,@@;
then,, did you try when import morph obj by morph loader, to change option
"Reverse Defomation" Yes ?
if I want to make morph not for genesis zero obj, eg for child shape ,
I use "Reverse Defomation" check Yes.
on this case,, I think he need not load new zero genesis,,
select genesis with the child shape,, then load morph target obj, by morph loader pro.
(need to change Reverse Defomation "YES" I think. )
but I do not try it with sculptrist,, so I do not know how it work or not,,,
( I think Reverse defomation setting can make delta morph which can apply for current shape,, )
You are correct, I had forgotten about that option. I think Reverse Deformations ignores the morphs, like the Child morph, and only applies the new morph to a Base figure. This means that the morph can be used for any Genesis figure, and not just the Child as it was in my example.
The OP would set Genesis to a Child figure, then apply the morph, my way included the Child morph so it would be applied twice unless it was applied to a Base figure. It is usually easier in my opinion to create morphs on the Base figure, and the same goes for clothing, although reverse Deformations does that for you anyway, and it may be easier to model children's clothing on a smaller figure.
Thanks for pointing that out.
Reverse deformations are used when you want morphs applied for that particular figure, such as when you want to add a head morph to V5 or M5... this way you are only distributing the deltas and not the whole morph, which would violate eula.
Yes, thanks all,,
I can not tell well about dettail with correct english ,so hope you tranlsate well ^^;
,this option depend on ,which morph user want to make.
to save time,, need clear undersanding to use morphloader pro,,I think.. (but I sometimes make mistake option ^^;)
eg if I need to reshape and overwrite morph which generated clothings (fit to genesis) as same name (FBMAiko3 etc,,)
set reverse defomation = "no" seems good choice.
and If I plan to make morph which can change zero base shape to the target morph shape,,
we need to set reverse defomation ="no" , as Jimmy said.
when use reverse defomation, we can use it about many case,,,
eg,, we can divide only head morph, from full body
step1 only head vertices (by surface group is easy to select ) of genesis zero shape, translate (0 , 10.,0 ) in hexagon,
then import it to ds, make morph which can change genesis zero to the shape. name it as "genesis_head_y_10"
step2 next apply "FBMgoodshape" (which you want to divide head morph) to genesis.
then export the FBMgoodshape to hexagon as obj , then select head vertices only , translate (0.10.0)
then save it as "goodshape_head_y_10" .
step 3 now in ds, select genesis, then apply your saved morph "genesis_head_y_10"
it must change genesis head vertices to (0, 10,0) like pencil ^^;
step 4 lets import "goodshape_head_y_10" on to pencil genesis. by morphloader pro.
ofcouse change reverse defomation "yes"
step 5 now I can make morph, which can change only body part of genesis to "FBMgoodshape" , without change head shape.]
if you hope, you can save it as new morph (goodshape_bodyonly)
step 6 I believe , next you can make morph which can change only head shape to the goodshape, keep genesis body.
by use(goodshape_bodyonly) ^^b (it is simple math,,)
OK, my head is spinning. Lots of useful information here. Thank you all for that.
I did have symmetry option on. So I will try without it and see where that takes me.
Success, I did get the morph to load. But, now I am seeing, that when I try to use the morph, that one side of the genesis figure becomes all triangulated in some sort of meltdown while the other half seems to remain unchanged.
Is this something in the import settings or something in Sculptris? Or, in other words, please... how do I correct this in order to move to the next level?
this happens when you use symmetry in sculptris. I am not aware of a work around for it at this point.
It works perfectly when you don't use symmetry, I posted an image that I did a bit earlier, and I had followed your steps to do it.
The only thing I didn't do was use the Reverse Deformations option which I should have used, and then the morph could be used on any Genesis figure.
If I were you, I would start again from scratch, import to Sculptris, make sue that you are NOT using symmetry, import to DS 4.5 using Morph Loader Pro, Reverse Deformations, and it should all work out OK.
ok will try again
Thank you all for your help. I got it to work. Now, I'm going to play with my new tools. :)
Good for you :)
When you are tired of playing with Sculptris, I can show you an easy way of creating morphs with Hexagon as well, using the bridge. You can make clothes for Genesis there too.
Best wishes
okay, I'm going to remember your name. look out, fair warning... :)
just kidding. or am I.
Just use Blender .... You can use x symmetry when sculpting in Blender. Just check the (Keep Vertex Order) button on the button when you Import and Export !!!