Iray Rendering

I was wondering if you could help me. I've been searching the internet for days and have found varying amounts of conflicting information and links. I've sifted through as many pages as I can but I'm looking for a definitive answer.
I want to render in IRAY using a decent graphics card. I tried to purchase a machine with a GTX 970 but due to it being an 'end of line' card, they cancelled my order since they apparently no longer stock it. Every new build machine wants me to buy a GTX 1060 but I'm under the impression it doesn't yet support Iray. I've been CPU rendering Iray for a few days now and it takes over an hour per render, even with 24GB of RAM and a 3.8ghz four core processor.
I need to purchase a quality Iray capable graphics card, but I can't find anywhere in the UK that stocks and sells new build machines with a GTX 970 or 980. I can't afford a Titan X, either. My mother board needs a serious upgrade, so I've decided I need to simply buy a new machine, not just a new card.
Could anyone please help me with what graphics card I should be looking at here?
Does the GTX 1060 support Iray yet? If not, what graphic cards do?
Thanks in advance for any advice.
PS: I'm aware that my current machine is relatively solid. The motherboard is old and the graphics card is awful. I fully intend to take the RAM out and use it. I'm set on buying a new machine, since this one is about six years old. I just need to know what iray capable graphic cards I should be searching for when trying to buy a new computer.
The DS Public Beta does support the Pascal cards, so I would suggest getting that and using it in preference to the release version for now (you can have both installed at once, though there are some plug-ins that don't work in the beta).
I am advised to tell you that the current beta provides support for the 10-series (Pascal) cards.
Do you guys think buying a whole new machine with a 1060 graphics card for a Beta program is wise, though?
The public beta works. The current version seem to me to be pretty stable. Sooner or later, probably sooner, Daz will release the "final version".
What I don't think is wise is buying a new machine and settling for a GTX1060.
I thought you already had the nwe machine, or had no choice but to get a Pascal card? The beta will, at soem point, become a release version - but Daz needs a release version of the updated Iray first. Considering the number of applications that use Iray I think you can be confident that that will happen, and in the meantime the beta is pretty robust.
Is the Public beta works in DIM...I don't see it. Or tell me where I can find it.
Assuming you have "bought" the beta, make sure you have Public Builds checked in DIM's Download Filters, which can be reached via the button at top-left of the Ready to Download tab.