DAZFriendly CMU BVH don't work on Genesis 2. Any other Animations?

I got these DAZFriendly versions of the Carnegie BVH(tons of bvh). And when i import to Genesis 2 figure, either there is no animation at all or the animation looks ridiculous . I noticed it says they work for 3rd and 4th generation daz figures . so Michael 4 etc
Here's where i got them from:
Now, my question is, if i can't use any of that? Are there any other free animations out there that do work on Genesis2?
Hi if the animations work on V4/M4
then apply them to those figures first
and use this script to copy the animations to Genesis 2
Hey I found, through one of the threads in this forum that there are already they are already made into aniblocks by someone. They are downloadable at sharecg.com. So i got them, there's 3 files. They are definitely 1000 times fixed than the ones in https://sites.google.com/a/cgspeed.com/cgspeed/motion-capture/daz-friendly-release
and they work ok in Genesis 2
Are you talking about these?
No i'm taking about these. There's 3 packs
Oh, OK. Thanks.
Good find
I always avoided the Carnegie mellon Mocap files because of the labor intensive nature of previewing BVH files by either importing them or using a BVH viewer
but as aniblocks they may be worth checkin out.