Using node weight map brushing for d-former

Hi, everyone!
Lately i knew about new method of making morphs: using node weight map brushing for d-former. Symmetry is a very good thing for me, but i want to move marked nodes (on the picture) in directions out of figure center. So left nodes group should move to the left (+x) and right group - to the right (-x). Don't know how to do it, cause both groups are moving only in one direction now in d-former "Parameters" tab (only +x or -x). What should i do to correct it?

1920 x 1040 - 762K
Post edited by ant2505 on
Is it hard to understand me, or nobody knows?
I'm not clear on the question.
I'm sorry, sometimes my english is hard to understand).
My problem is: i want to make character's neck wider using d-former and node weight map brushing with symmetry turned on, applied to it (pic1). But when i move d-former along axis, i'm getting the result you can see on pic2 instead. So, how can i make it work right, just like similar tool in zbrush?
To work as you hope,, you need to make two D-former weight map with Base and handle.
1. add2 D-former,, then name them like,, rDformer, and lDformer.
2 y add, influence weight map for rD-former, after that,, you can remove field.. (it make clear to select D-fomer correctly in the scene)
you seems already color weight , as symmetly for one D-former,, then you can copy current D-former weight, and paste next one.after that, delete right side weight from lD-former, and delete left side weight from rD-former,, by using selection tool , with border selection, then fill selected weight with 0 values
(work with D-former, you may need to keep selection type as vertex mode)
3 now you have two D-fomer base with handle,, with symmetly coloered weight map.
next,, pose only r-Dfomer base (not move handle) ,, then use copy symmetly pose. it locate your l-Dfomer base correclty symmetly positon.
after that move r-handle,, then move l-handle,, with same translation (symmetly) , you can use pose symmetly as same as base.
(but I do not use D-fomer,, may better work with other aprication,, to make good morph I believe, why if you have z-brush,, not use z-brush for the purpose?
Thank you for your detailed help! It worked!
I'm just starting to learn zbrush, and daz studio is much more familiar to me. For example, i don't know how to select separate vertex or edge in zbrush, i got questions about import/export and so on.