Problem with moving imported objects

EvieSEvieS Posts: 66
edited December 1969 in Carrara Discussion

Before anybody rattles my cage, I fully admit I'm a newbie to Carrara, so please bear with me. I'm using Carrara 8.1 Pro which I purchased a few months ago. I have noticed, that sometimes when I import or add an object, [doesn't matter if it's a complex, multipart model or simple preset cube]...the objects will not move when I select the move option for them. The up/forward/side arrows will appear as usual, but dragging on them does not work. The arrows move, but the object does not. When this happens, all new imported or added models will react this way and will continue to do so. Even creating a new scene and loading something, will leave me stuck like chuck, unable to move objects. It's like a glitch of some nature. Now I can still move things manually by typing in numerical values, but the lack of arrow movement is annoying. Sometimes it will unstick and new models will move...but most times when this happens, I literally have to shut Carrara down, reboot my computer to clear whatever is wrong with it. Just restarting the program doesn't clear it.

I also know to select the actual parts, not "universe" or other listings. So it's not that. I'm selecting the actual models...because the other manipulation tools such as rotate will work just fine. So does resizing. It's only the move that sticks.

Is this due to something that I'm doing or not doing? There are so many optional controls of which I'm unsure of what they do and the manual is for previous version of the software, so I'm wondering if I just need to reset something for the models or the software when this happens...or is this an actual bug that I need to report? Has anyone experienced this?


Thanks in advance!


  • edited December 1969

    Hi Irony3d

    You might have caps lock on which will move the pivot point on a object but scale and rotate will still work as normal, I hit it all the time by mistake instead of the shift button

  • EvieSEvieS Posts: 66
    edited December 1969

    That sounds like my issue! Thanks. I had no clue having capslock on would do that. Probably what's wrong...and probably why rebooting fixes it while restarting program does not. Now I just feel stupid. Ha, ha. Thanks so much for the info. I'm off to give it a try!

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