Can i use Mimic Pro 3(The last one they made)with Genesis 2?

It says Genesis not suported, right in the description but perphas that's because it doesn't include the Genesis Configuration files. Was there ever any made and distributed freely as the years went by? Because i'm trying to find a lipsyncing solution and Mimic Live just doesn't do it for me since it doesn't take prerecorded files.(you have to record live)
Hi there should be genesis 2 configuration already installed as part of DAZ studio..Check your Daz library folder
Indeed it is possible to use the highly useful and sorely missed ,mimic pro 3 on the genesis 2 figures .
You must first export a base genesis 2 figure using the "export to poser CR2" option
Load that CR2 into your mimic pro 3 session manager and it will work
The video below is an example of the G2 female
lipsynched with mimic pro 3
Actually this is common misconception about mimic live
Please see my explaination on how to use pre-recorded Audio in mimic live in the thread Linked below
Hi, long time. I became interested again in using Mimic Pro 3. Now i have it installed, i found the Genesis Config files(gen2) but after i export to poser cr2 there is an popp up box and i don't know what to enter in it
Never mind. but thanks if you read. I figured it all out. I had to put the CR2 inside the RUntime and for Base select the RUntime folder
NOw it all works and i can use Mimic 3 Pro :)
I just don't still figure out how to have multiple characters using the Pz2 file i import from mimic pro, and have them animate only when their part is being played
Ok another never mind :) I figured it out. You can juse apply the same pz2 file to all the characters and in animate2, in the studio keys delete the keys for the head where you don't want a character to speak