Question on installing third party content can't find it..

I had to delete my Daz and start over, so am now installing my third party items again, and now I don't see them show up in Daz. I thought this was where I installed last time.
Can someone tell me where they would show up in Daz? which pull down menu and category? I'm really getting frustrated..

1313 x 602 - 91K
and this..
Those are right, assuming that My Library iss et as a content directory. You should find the files in the Content Library pane, under Daz Studio Formats>My Library>People>Genesis 3 Female>Characters>Maddelirium>MDDAnnora. The items in the Daat folder will not appear in that folder, those are the asset files (like \Runtime\Geometries) that will be called on by the user-facing files (the .duf files).
Thank you so much! I thought I had looked in all the pulldown menus. One more question if I could, when I put in a search for Annora in the search pane, nothing came up. Do you maybe have to type in the characters exactly as they are named for the search to work?
By default the Content Library search uses the database, to change it to a file search click the little cylinder icon to the right of the search text box and set it to file.