FBX and Collada files aren't exporting at 24fps

Can't seem to figure this one out. Timeline is set to 24, but every time I take either the FBX or Collada into Cinema 4D it registers as 30. Same thing if I'm using keyMate. What am I doing wrong? I don't see any framerate options in the DAZ export dialog boxes. Other 3D apps are registering my exports as 30fps too. Seems like I must be goofing something in DAZ.
Isn't 30fps just an arbitrary default?
What happens if you just type 24 into the project settings in cinema4D?
If I change the C4D project settings to 24, the rig plays back with some strange anomalies - like the head postitioning in the attached screenshot. The timeline shows some strange spiking keyframes that only appear to make a difference when the C4D project is set to anything other than 30.
I've tried a very simple export of a figure rotating around X that came into C4D as 30 but looks fine played back at various framerates. I wonder if this is an isolated issue with my morphs or animation?