How to remove daz and reinstall in original state?

I have a bunch of third party content that is in the wrong categories, and some I just can't find, so I wanted to install one by one this time and make sure where its going.
However, when I uninstall the program, delete the daz folder under my documents and the one stored under program files, AND do a regedit to remove anything that says Daz, when I reinstall the program, under the content(not smart pane) I still see all the products but their icons are greyed out. I want to bring the program back to the newly installed state with nothing showing up as products. what am I missing? Pls help, I've done this three times now..
The items under products in grey are the ones from Daz that you own but don't - according to the content masnagment system - have installed.
There is a folder /Users/Public/Documents/DAZ 3D that you should of deleted the entire contents to and also you should delete the location where you downloaded products too in DIM.
C:\Users\Public\Documents\DAZ 3D - delete this too...
You probably want to uninstall DIM and all other DAZ 3D programs and delete any residual work or settings folders too.
The finally go to
C:\Users\<My User>\AppData\Roaming\DAZ 3D
and delete the DAZ 3D folder. It contains cms database with product information about your past DAZ Studio installs.