adding sky dome that doesn't shadow

I'm trying to render in sun-sky mode with iray but would like to have a sky dome out the window. Can't see how to add a map in the render settings pane and if I add an actual dome it wont seem to let me set it to not shadow. I must be missing something this seems like a simple thing.

Any suggestions? thanks


  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,047

    Environment map in render settings, show dome.

    You could also use a conventional sky dome by settIng refraction index and weight to 1, set 'share glossy settings' to off, and putting your sky dome image in Refraction color.

    this essentially turns your sky dome into a giant gel; adjust environment strength and position the sun to be consistent with your dome image.


    Environment map in render settings, show dome.

    You could also use a conventional sky dome by settIng refraction index and weight to 1, set 'share glossy settings' to off, and putting your sky dome image in Refraction color.

    this essentially turns your sky dome into a giant gel; adjust environment strength and position the sun to be consistent with your dome image.

    For some reason I'm not able to select a texture - even when I toggle draw dome.



  • ToborTobor Posts: 2,300

    In Sun/Sky you can't use a map. It's either sun and sky, or your own skies using an environment map.

    If it's a view out the window, consider adding a plane with a texture on it. Position the plane so that the camera sees the image on it. There are pre-made cycs, coves, abd backdrops just for this. Keep the sun light from shining right on it so you have a nice, rich tone.

    The second option Will gave you is using a a physical skydome, a half-round geometry that takes an image. To be clear, Iray has a built-in Environment Dome. Skydomes are props you add that can be used as sky backdrops. The settings Will suggested allow the light from the Environment Dome to pass through the skydome. Without these settings, the skydome acts as a solid object, which Iray light cannot penetrate.

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited December 2016

    change mode of rendersetting>Enviroment , from "sun-sky" to "Dome" or "Dome and scene", then add image  on  Enviroment map (light source  and bg image)  for iray VR Dome (I do not know  how call it officially),,

    then,, if  remove Enviroment map from iray Dome,, (Dome , or Dome and Scene) iray Dome  auto change as iray sun-sky  too.  then generate sun and sky.  I thikn it make same render as sun-sky mode. 


    but I still  hope to use iray-"sun sky" sun  (it is easy to controll the sun light only, and simulate sun) with sphere enviroment texture (vr dome) which I like  ^^; not with  iray offer "sky"

    yes i know,, there seems  no way,, but I wan to do it ,,   or Can I?   (maybe no,, but ,,if someone find good way?)  or after all  composit? 

    Post edited by kitakoredaz on
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