G3...V7...Karen 7...Bethany 7....????

Can someone help me understand something?
It seems to me that all the G3 characters have pretty much interchangeable shaders and morphs. What is the difference between them? Why would I choose to put, say, Karen 7 in a scene instead of just putting in G3 base and applying the Karen 7 shape mods and shaders? I know I can go either way and it seems to work fine. Is there a difference?
I've got a feeling it might have to do with "normal maps", or something.
It's all just very confusing to me.
You can use either method. The character icons are usually just quick loads that apply their own skin and morphs rather than loading in default G3F and dialing in the morphs/applying the mats manually.
So then...if I want to create custom characters it seems I would be better off always starting with G3 base. Starting with, say, V7 instead would just mean I would be adding morphs to another set of morphs. Right? That's what I'm thinking anyway.
Only things it may cause difference , when you use "restore figure".. it usually return the character preset, shape which you load.and start scene.
and your figure name (labelled name) on scene tab, may change by each character name.
but if you apply character preset,, about current loaded figure, the restore figure not work applied character , may return load (start) character shape (I do not confirm though) (though I can not find any clear document about those things, in daz document )
but I recommend,, and I like your way,, keep start with genesis3. it make morph or mix character more clear and easy for me.
(but , daz release many character already,, as individual character, ,, then I understand,,DAZ hope to treat them as individual character ^^;;
if I bought character, and there is no character preset,, I may be disapointed,,, .but I seldom use character preset.
No difference at all. It's just another example of a very common principle in many computer programs; "there is hardly ever only One True Way™ to do anything". Using the all-in-one character preset does exactly the same things as if you did every step manually; it might be a bit faster, since you're not hunting for the next content icon to click on, but that's all.
Cool. Thanks guys!