combining my animations into one project?

I created a character and then started making various animations for her which I render out as image frames. Each time I created an animation i was happy with i would save a project file for it, clear the animation and start work on the next one (I was concerned about accidently corrupting a previous animation whilst working on a new one)
Now that I'm done I sort of regret my choice because I have a decent amount of animations and some are quite long. I would like them all in one project so I can start a render and then go out, go to bed, whatever and let it finish automatically. So I exported all my animations as bhv files thinking no problem, I will just import them one after another. However whenever I import for example my run animation to append to the end of my idle animation it adds all the proper frames but it does not animate correctly at all - her legs swirl around in ridiculous ways and her arms flail about :(
What am I doing wrong?
edit: ftr I am using daz 4.9 64bit public build (so iray can use my 1070 gtx) and I have no animation plugins at all, just vanilla daz
If you're using Geneis 3, you probably can't export BVH and then import BVH. On import, the bones won't match up. You at least need to remap the bones correctly, then it might work. DS just crashed on my as I was trying a remapped import and I don't have time right now to try it again.
aniMate2 lets you create aniblocks from your DS key frames. That is likely to work better. I don't recall if aniMate2 Lite (free with DS) lets you make aniblocks or not. Its been a long time since I've used the lite version of aniMate2.
If you can make aniblocks with the lite version of aniMate2, that's likely to be your cheapest and quickest route to do what you're trying to do.
hmm, I can make blocks but not save them - need the full animate! happy to buy it at the current discount too but I'm -flat broke- until pay day, any idea how long the current 60% off will last? :/
Animate 2 may help you a lot,.
then if you hope to save long animations as parts of short animations , and plan to gather them again, you can save animation by flames which you selected , as pose preset too.
I remember, I could divide two animation file from one. just take care,, current flame, when you load saved pose files. it simply add keys from current selected I save pose preset "animation1" (flame 0 to 100) next I save pose preset "animation2" (frame 101 to 150) but pose preset not record start flame number.
then to load pose preset animation2, you need on the flame 101, then load posepreset2 on your timeline.
if you are on flame 120,, when you load animate2. it add recorded key from 120 to 169.. (if you load it on flame 0, I believe, it overwrite your 0 to 100 animation)
and you need to check flames actually set key alraedy.. pose preset just record your added key only. then you better set keys on each flames (0, 100,101,200) which decide your save animation range,, withotu it,, animation often change when you mixed them again.
Please test it with short animation first, then find best reliable way to divide and combien your full animation by pose preset.. (there is many case which easy break animation)
If you have all the image frames then you should be able to combine them all in a Video program like Sony Vegas Pro, which is the one I have. I don't know if Windows Live Movie Maker can take single images and make a video with them but it is free with Windows.
Hi as kitakoredaz suggested the best solution is to save each figure animation as an animated pose preset.
This will even store facial and morph animation
I do this with Nude base resolution figures for better view port performance
You can then load your fully dressed figure and apply the animated pose files from your library one after another until they are all applied in the scene.
This is definately the best solution for Genesis 3, as zaz777, Stated G3 will not accept her own BVH files exported from Daz studio or even Iclone.
ok, saving as a pose and then choosing animation (did not realise that was an option!) imports much better, the finishes doing what it should be!
The problem I am now having is I do not animate all parts of the figure in all animations. For example I have an idle animation where she is breathing, blinking, looking around but her feet/legs dont move. Then I add my run animation after the idle animation and it starts interpolating between the two - so for example from the moment the idle animation starts her legs start moving towards the start position of the run animation!
How can I like.. key frame her entire figure? that would do it if after the first animation I add a keyframe the same as the last frame of the first animation to say "everything must be like this at this point" and then I add the run animation. But when I click "add key frame" it doesnt seem to key the parts of her that were not previously animated still :/
Actually you solve the question,, if you hope to make animation without key mate ^^;
yes,, you may need,, (and it is more reliable,,and i blieve it is only answer ) set keys for all node,,
(at lesast all translation rotation ) . by selecting all node, then push the "add key frame", on all frame, which you must need to keep the value.
but,, if you serch about animation in daz forum,, maybe most of user say "key mate,, graph mate,, and animate2 " then now you may understand why they recommedn it.
it is must item. unfortunately. ( try with key mate first,, ) I suggest,, you may not need animate 2 at current