Silly Q - where are the keyframes??

This should be obvious so either I'm searching for the wrong thing or Daz doesn't do it.

Where are the keyframes? How do you show, say, rotation keyframes for the hip? How do you see different keys for different parts/properties?
This is driving me mental. Can you really not see any keys at all, without keyMate? How do you undo something if you make a mistake, if you can't select a key for a property and delete just that property's key?

For that matter, how do you stop Daz setting keys when you don't want it to?


  • wolf359wolf359 Posts: 3,837
    edited December 2016

    Hi Daz studio should have a very primative Keyframe editor

    But now that you mention it I cant seem to call up the basic default one either in DS 4.8surprise
     not an issue as I have Keymate& GraphMate along with animate 2 full...Stange though.


    Edit: according to Richard Haseltine in a post in the rosity Daz studio forum:
    "there is no built in" , graph editor anymore


    Post edited by wolf359 on
  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526

    about "how do you stop Daz setting keys when you don't want it to" 

     even though I bought key mate and graph mate,, DS  auto set key on daz timeline  when  change values of  properties assgined  each node.

    (In keymate,, there is option filter,, TR or TRSV etc,, but it just hide those keys from key mate ,, actually ds auto set keys on daz timeline. and set N keys are simply

    set keys as current values of frame. on your input length frame. but ds easy overwite it,, when you tweak them. )or is there any hidden option which perfectly I missed? if it was added already for ds ,, I may say thank you daz about it (it show clear  progress about daz timeline for me)

    but at least,, key mate tell it clear,, and I can remove those keys of each properties which  I need not.   ..then I  become  go-figure and (daz shop) salesman when asked about daz timeline,  to say "just get key mate, graphmate,, and animate2 (it is good for figure animation)..."

  • wolf359 said:

    Hi Daz studio should have a very primative Keyframe editor

    But now that you mention it I cant seem to call up the basic default one either in DS 4.8surprise
     not an issue as I have Keymate& GraphMate along with animate 2 full...Stange though.


    Edit: according to Richard Haseltine in a post in the rosity Daz studio forum:
    "there is no built in" , graph editor anymore


    There never has been a built-in keyframe editor. We've had scripts available from various writers that offered some editing, and AniMate used to offer the ability to chnage interpolation type as I recall (but that may have been only in the initial 30 days) but that is the limit.

  • wolf359wolf359 Posts: 3,837
    edited December 2016

    You are correct of course
    I have been a user of the aniMate plugin
    since its introduction back in the bygone days
    of DS 2.3

    There has always been a basic "keyframe" mode with the full version of the aniMate plugin.

    I was incorrectly "remembering" it as being part of Daz studio proper.blush

    Apologies for the mis-statementindecision

    Post edited by wolf359 on
  • nono Posts: 43
    wolf359 said:

    Hi Daz studio should have a very primative Keyframe editor

    But now that you mention it I cant seem to call up the basic default one either in DS 4.8surprise
     not an issue as I have Keymate& GraphMate along with animate 2 full...Stange though.


    Edit: according to Richard Haseltine in a post in the rosity Daz studio forum:
    "there is no built in" , graph editor anymore


    There never has been a built-in keyframe editor. We've had scripts available from various writers that offered some editing, and AniMate used to offer the ability to chnage interpolation type as I recall (but that may have been only in the initial 30 days) but that is the limit.

    So, just to be clear, the only way to edit the interpolation between two keyframes is by using graphMate? There is no way to use linear interpolation using only aniMate2?

    I ask because I'm new to animation in DAZ have been considering purchasing some of these plugins.

  • wolf359 said:

    Hi Daz studio should have a very primative Keyframe editor

    But now that you mention it I cant seem to call up the basic default one either in DS 4.8surprise
     not an issue as I have Keymate& GraphMate along with animate 2 full...Stange though.


    Edit: according to Richard Haseltine in a post in the rosity Daz studio forum:
    "there is no built in" , graph editor anymore


    There never has been a built-in keyframe editor. We've had scripts available from various writers that offered some editing, and AniMate used to offer the ability to chnage interpolation type as I recall (but that may have been only in the initial 30 days) but that is the limit.

    So, just to be clear, the only way to edit the interpolation between two keyframes is by using graphMate? There is no way to use linear interpolation using only aniMate2?

    I ask because I'm new to animation in DAZ have been considering purchasing some of these plugins.

    There have been other methods, I think there's at least one script (one of Casual's) that will do it. But it requires soem kind of add-on or writing your own script, there isn't a built-in UI way to do it.

  • wolf359wolf359 Posts: 3,837

    "I ask because I'm new to animation in DAZ have been considering purchasing some of these plugins."

    If it is indeed within your  economic means,
     I strongly advise investing in the Graphmate & keymate plugins.
    Attempting to edit existing  Character motion Data in DS without them will be a tedious &painful chore.

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526

    I really suprised because I have never think animate 2 have no option to change key interporation.blushbut actually I can not find the option in animate 2 (full version) . 

    then ,, keymate can change interporation without grahpmate,, but you can not see it clear, without Graph mate. then I must recommend to get both at same time.if you get only graph mate,, it is  difficult to clear see each property keys on daz timeline .

    One thing I  may need to discribe,, (go figure taught  me before, when I asked same thing  again and again without clear knowledge  ^^;)

    Keymate and grahphmate are designed  for daz timeline. and not desigend to work with  Animate 2.(as true meaning, if you run Figure A animation on animate 2 timeline,, it hide daz timeline key about FigureA)

    then you can not use graph mate or key mate to adjust or modify Animate 2 aniblock.   if you adjust animation by graph mate or key mate,, you need to bake animation on daz timeline. once.   then  Animate 2 and  key mate, with graph mate) are  different aploach for daz studio animiation.. (go figure recommend animate 2, for creature, or figure animation (many rigs and usuall need not true linea,, animation) to easy customize, as aniblock. 

    (but I  use both ,, eg I animate only about camera and props  on  daz timeline,  these are no aniblock,  with Figure dancing on animate 2 timeline, about this case,, It work. but as you know,, manage different timeline, make you nervous.)

  • mindsongmindsong Posts: 1,715
    edited December 2016

    To the original question, on the DazStudio timeline, only keyframes for explicitly *selected* items will be shown. For example, if the lower jaw is keyframed, and you have the main character head (parent of jaw) selected, *but not the head's children*, the timeline won't indicate that anything is set, so clearing keyframes at that 'level' won't help - in fact, there's no keyframe to clear on the timeline... To see if any keyframe is set for an element, it must explicitly be selected (e.g. highlighted in the 'scene tab'). So try selecting the jawbone directly, or select head and it's children to see if anything on the head is keyframed!

    The way to clear things at or below a selection is to be sure all of the children of that item (e.g. the head and all children) are selected (right click on item in 'scene' tab, select (menu), select-children) and clear the keyframe at that point with the timeline button or main menu 'edit->figure->...' action.

    Similarly useful, to see if *any* keyframes are set anywhere on an item, select that base figure and *all* of it's children in the 'scene' tab, and the Daz Studio timeline will show the little black ticks over keyframes that are set. You have to select (sub)items more specifically to figure out *which* items have things set from there, but at least you can find them.

    I also recommend using Keymate/Graphmate if you are going to use DAZ for animation, but it is not required for finding and clearing/setting keyframes! Just 'select' things more intentionally, and you can probably do what you intended!

    As mentioned, 'Casual' (a prolific script and utility writer, usually has things in the Freebies forum, and has pointers to his wealth of cool-tilities) wrote a script to allow you to set the interpolation type of keyframes, that otherwise can't be set via Daz Studio without the add-ons.

    FWIW, the Animate-2 plugin (full version) tab has a mini graph/key-frame editor built-in a few clicks deep, but it's more bound to aniblock editing. Take a look at those docs to get a feel for that as an option on the animate wenbsite.

    You can use the main program menu's 'edit=>figure=>zero=>zero figure' or ...=>clear animation=>... to clear things as well. Play with it a bit to figure out what clears what.

    hope this helps. I wasted a lot of time trying to figure out why keyframes I *knew* were set were not showing up as being set, until I figured out that all elements had to be explicitly selected for that information to be shown on the DazStudio timeline.

    Lastly, an odd Daz Studio-ism:  if something is keyframed at say. frame 5, but not at Frame 0, Frame 0 will take on the position/state of the frame 5 keyframe. This causes no end of confusion for new DazStudio animators. It sort of makes sense, but it's hardly intuitive when starting out. IF you want a certain state at frame zero, set that state explicitly - even if it is a T-pose! With aniblocks, this can get in the way of transitions between blocks, but with basic DazStudio timeline editing, it's good to know "why the heck is the figure doing something at frame zero when I didn't set anything, and there's nothing set there on the timeline... wtf?"



    (edited to add and clarify)

    Post edited by mindsong on
  • mindsongmindsong Posts: 1,715
    edited December 2016

    Do yourself a favor too, re-read what @kitakoredaz wrote about the 'relationship' between the DazStudio timeline and the Animate-2 timelines.

    The big idea (i think), is that the core/bulk of your animation and editing should be done on the DazStudio Timelines and you then move things in and out of the animate-2 context when apprporpriate :

     - if you wish to save an animation to an aniblock, use the animate function that does that.

     - if you wish to tweak/fix an aniblock, you can either 'bake' the aniblock to the DazStudio timeline (an animate action/option), edit it to taste, then convert it to a new improved aniblock, ***or*** you can use the animate-2 editing functions to edit that aniblock in-place and save it (overwrite or create new) within the animate-2 tab/context.

    If you use both, you'll notice a lack of syncing between the KeyMate/Graphmate timelines and the Animate-2 timelines, so you have to push-things to the DS Timeline, edit, and pull them back to Animate to really get the effects you probably want.

    You eventually get how it ties together, and the docs *do* describe this stuff, but I swear it's almost impossible to figure out what they mean until you've hacked at it for a while.

    again, lessons from our scars here, so I hope it saves someone some mental trouble.


    Post edited by mindsong on
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