Bought RPC's Jungle Plants for Vue... Not working? Help Please

I bought the RPC Volume 5: Jungle Rainforest 1 & 2 for DAZ and Vue. I mainly bought it for Vue but cannot for the life of me load the plants! They're ALL .vob files... movie files? Why? For what? I wanted to work on a jungle ecosystem and I can't because I have no idea now how to open these in Vue. I have Vue 2015 Complete.
My understanding is that if these aren't .veg or another plant file I can't use them the way I need to in Vue, but maybe I'm missing something... I must be, because I can't figure it out.
Edit: Sorry, I figured it out. The trick is to find it after chosing "add obj" not "add plant". >_>
Post edited by DrowElfMorwen on
.vob is Vue Object, as well as its use for DVD files. Unfortunately there's no enforcement of uniqueness in file extensions.
.Veg plants in Vue will change each time you download them. This gives them a unique quality. Also by clicking on the file you can edit the plant itself. Different plants allow for different types of editing. For ecample, one .veg plant will allowyou to edit all the leaf groups separately; while another.veg file allows only editing all the leaves together. This is only an example. The .vob files or object files work for plants like any other object does.