Added lights do not render in DS 4.9

I ahve been trying to learn lighting aind fighting DAZ Studio tooth & nail.  It seemed that no matter how many lights I add, they don't render.  I did some lighting tutorials and while the lighting changes in the viewport, when I do a test render, none of the lights show up and it only renders with the default lights.  I am rendering in Iray.  Current system specs are:

Intel i5 4670K, Gigabyte Z97X-Gaming 7, EVGA GTX 960 SSC 4GB, 2x 8192kb Patriot Viper DDR-3 memory, WD 6400AAKS hard drive with a SanDisk ReadyCache, 1 Hitachi HDT721010SLA360 1TB hard drive, Corsair HX1000W PSU, Windows 10 Professional 64

I uploaded two exmaple photos.  First is a screenshot of DS 4.9 showing the two spot lights from the Render Camera view.  The second is a 512x512 test render showing default lights in the render.  There are only two spotlights in the scene.  Did I just miss a setting somewhere or is something more serious going on?




Light Test Render Cam screenshot.jpg
1920 x 1050 - 253K
Light test 1.jpg
512 x 512 - 182K
Post edited by billyben_0077a25354 on


  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    Looks like to me these is a light behind & to the image's left and a light to the image towards to top right. Maysure if you are adding lights they are inside the room your model is standing in.

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526

    If you set un-visible all spot light in the scene tab,then test render,, can you see your actor still?  

    if it is not all black,, ,it indicate,, there should be another light source (eg  rendersetting>enviroment > iray dome,  

    or your camera head lamp or mesh light witch already included in your scene set. as default , witout your intention.)



  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526

    Then if your default light mean, "camera head lamp" or dafault daz offer iray dome HDRI light soruce,,, then you can not see clear your added light effect,

    default light are  too storong to see your added light effect., compared with your added light intensity. 

    Usually (though I do not know which Tutoriall you see),  I just add one light soruce to clear see  light effect in room render.   then add one by one.

    if the added light effect not visible clear,, that means other light soruce are too strong or your added light are too weak.  

    can you show pic of your light (added) parameter  setting? 

  • If you look at the render you see light coming in from the right and shadows on the left.  The issue is that the two spot lights I put in the scene do not show up in the render at all.  When you add lights to a scene, the default lights are supposed to shut off and they do in the view screen but do not in the render.  Look at the shadows on the left side of Frida.  There is a spot on the left behind the render cam shining right there and is on but in the render it does not show up at all.  Only the default lights somewhere off ot the right (lights that are on whe you first open a new scene) are in teh actual render.

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526

    Yes  I can clear see 2 light soruce (maybe spot light) from your 3d view with "texture sahding"  SS,, smiley

      but I think both light  actually work in your render. though the ray from camera direction is more strong, then may not show clear, other light soruce effect.

     (but it depend on, how you set  each light parameter and what type you used for the added light )

    just to confirm,, your render setting>Enviroment>Enviroment mode = Scene only?   And when you select the rendered camera, then go to parameter tab >Head lamp>  the value is OFF?  

     Then  I can not clear,, what your default light means still . if it means  "scene light" for 3d view ,  which only useful to check all scene with texture shadding for 3d view.,   and it cause any effect when we render (both 3delight and iray) as you said.. then you can turn it OFF and ON by Ctrl L. it should change your 3d view when there is other light (without mesh light) but it never emit when you render, then cause no effect.  (you need not turn it off , it do not emit ray when you render)

    but if your "default light"  means,, actuall light ,, eg "Camera head lamp ",  you can set it OFF.  and you can adjust the intensity too. (select render camera, and see parameter tab,or open camera tab,, then check it if the headlamp is on or not.  (it only work when you render by your selected camera)

    If you actually set no head lamp, but  some default light somewhere  emit scene, and your added light no emit when you render,, you may  need to show your scene tab, and show clear how many light (include you said,, your scene  default light) was added to your scene, and please  show your light setting values of each,  without check your light setting values, maybe no one can confirm if it is actuall problem or your light poarameter setting problem. I think. 

  • billyben_0077a25354billyben_0077a25354 Posts: 771
    edited December 2016
    The light I am talking about is the ambiant lighting that is on when you first open a new scene. This lighting is supposed to turn off a soon as you add a light to the scene. The issue is that I add lights to a scene but they do not render. Only the original ambiant light is rendering. Look at the shadows in the render. She has a spot light shining full force on the right side of her face at about 45 degrees stage left and a second spot light just to the right and slightly forward of the camera shining on the left side of her face. There should be no shadows on her face at all but you can see the large shadow on the right side if her face in the render. So what did I do wrong?
    Post edited by billyben_0077a25354 on
  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526

    which render engine actually you using?  if it is not 3delgiht,, but iray (I suppose so from your rendered image)   or not open GL render,,

     please check  your "Render settings">enviroment.  first...  and please check  your "camera head lamp"  "on" or "off" . by parameter tab first. 

    because DAZ studio never set ambient light without you add it.   you may see,, "scene light for 3d view". but I said,, it never cause any effect about your real  render.then there is no opotunity, the scene light effect is rendered,, without you use "Basic Open GL " as render Engine.

     I think, you use iray-render not 3delgiht,, is it right?  (though if you render by 3delight,, the scene light never cause any effect about your render image)

     if you see  light effect from the direction, whiere you do not set light ,, there must be  other light source. without your intention.  about iray,, as default  "iray dome" emit light as enviroment light, with image.. (IBL)  and  have sun-sky light ,which simulate real sun too.     if you do not clear about iray dome,, check  first please.

    then I said,,, if I were you,, and when I check each light effect, and feel  "my added light not render at all,",  I must remove all other light source,,,  at first., then test render.

     to remove other light,, I said,, check your rendersetting>enviroment,  then change enviroment  setting as "scene only"    =   iray dome not emit light at all.

    next check your render  camera ,, it have  "camera head lamp". and as default it is "ON".   you need turn it "off" then head lamp not emitl light. to see other light effect clear.

    and there is opotunity, the room which you loaded have already other light source..  (surface which emit by shader) , those light (surface light) not clear see, in your "scene tab".. then to check these,, need to check each sruface setting too.    

    after remove all other  light source whch I mentioned,,  then just keep your added two light in  your scene,, then render,,  if it is perfect black,,, ,, you can say,  your added light have no effect. not render at all.,   because we suppose  "added light should emit light"  if it not work,, we first check the light setting (each light parameter value).  

    but you only said about your render image.. it not tell us how you set each light.  just tell  you locate light those direction.

  • Turning off auto headlamp and changing environment settings did the trick. Thanks
  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited December 2016

    wink  OK!  

     I understand all your difficulity clear.. if I started  after daz iray release,, I must ask more and more thing, and may angry.

    because if I  serch about iray render, with current daz offer official daz studio documents,  it not work with riay  

    why iary things is discribed as ds up-date documents? I must angry (if i could not learn by another documents etc)

    y to learn iray basics,, I need to serch around  nvidia documents.   I really hope daz employ oficiial document team , next year. 

    Post edited by kitakoredaz on
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