Decimator not showing up ...

I purchased the Decimator plugin and it was downloaded and installed with the DIM.
But I don't see it in DAZ (using 4.9 Beta) ... when I list the installed plugins, it shows me an error for decimator:
Plugin failed to load!
Filename: ..../plugins/dzdecimator.dll
Name: dzdecimator
Reason: Plug-in was made for a newer version of DAZ Studio
I don't recall it asking me for the serial number at all ... so, where or what did I goof up ?
You don't need to install Decimator, the .dll is included with DS (for those of us with the paid-for version of DS 4 Pro, which included the plug-in). Close DS, uninstall both DS and Decimator, and reinstall DS. Then start DS, go to Help>About Installed plug-ins, and enter your new Decimator serial number to activate it on the next DS start up.