Possible DrawStyle Bug or Something else entirely?

Here are a couple of screenshots that can explain my current situation better than words:
According to these screenshots, it seems that there is a bug regarding the Texture Shaded DrawStyle. For example, any shape that appears on the right viewpane is not lightened while the one on the right will be lightened. (In other words, Iray's Emissives will not be previewed on the pane to the left, but will on the right.) Second of all, the icon for the Texture Shaded DrawStyle is the same as the Cartoon Shaded one. Can someone help me out with this issue?
Post edited by Ohgun the Awakened Prodigy on
So this a divioded viewport, with the active view on the left. If I load a promitive and apply the Emissive Iray shader preset I don't get any preview of the light effect in either view.
I have, and have reported, the odd icon - it seems t be a glitch that affects only a few of us.
I happend to get same problem , after I install newest beta. then compare with product version,, it seems only about beta verison issue
I tried to change style or layout as daz default one, but not work still..
So has anyone got a glitch fix for this situation?
I'm still not entirely sure what you are seeing.
Other than the icon bug?
The icon bug for me has been something that comes and goes...if I reload the layout, it's correct and then at some point it isn't.
Yes, I get the icon bug too so that one I understand (though I think it's purely cosmetic, and sporadic, so I suspect lower priority).
I don't use split viewport enough to even know HOW it is supposed to behave...
Maybe this will help provide a better example. It seems that the sphere with the "Texture Shaded" DrawStyle to the left does not show a red overlay, but the right side Texture Shaded DrawStyle does show the red overlay that appears as the emission on the sphere is active. So the DrawStyle bug is definitely present in this situation.
If you make the right view the active one does the effect switch sides?
I can't get that difference - what I see in your screenshot looks like the specular highlight, not emissive (though it may be related to having a non-black emissive colour for all I know). What exactly are you using as the surface settings? Does the sphere have to be that big to show the effect?
No, the sphere doesn't have to be that big to show the effect. I'm also using the Iray Uber surface settings and no matter what color I'm using for the emissive setting, the model on the left still hints towards a black emissive color. I'm just trying to restore the Texture Shaded DrawStyle to the left back to it's original state before I got the apparent bug.
Unfortunateky no.
If you do figure out that a setting is the issue please check to see if it is repeatable and if so report it.
Which setting do you suspect is the culprit?
Judging by the screenshots it might be related to glossiness.
I still have a problem gettting the Ambience/Emmissive on the model to appear again...
It seems like glossiness has no effect on the problem. I need to show you a few things about my problem. The screenshot to the right is what the DrawStyle Menu is supposed to look like, meanwhile the Cartoon Shaded and Texture Shaded Drawstyle is way too familiar to the Smooth Shaded Drawstyle. That's just one part of my problem.
Here are some Open GL Renders I've recently made with a pair of cones under each DrawStyle along side the screenshot of the main viewport:
Smooth Shaded
Wire Shaded
Lit Wireframe
Do you see the problem I've had to deal with now?
The icon issue I have, it doesn't seem to stop the display from changing. The icons differ from the screenshot as thatb is using a different interface style.
I see the missing lines on the nominal wire previews - but are you sure that was the mode selected? The icons don't match the ones in the previous shot of your menu. Remember that you can also use ctr (or cmd for macs) plus a number key to select preview modes.
But isn't the Texture Shaded DrawStyle supposed to show solid objects with all color, light, and map information displayed? In my screen shots the light information is just straight up missing in the displayed scene. That is what the ambient/emissive red color is supposed to represent. But it's not even there unless I open a split viewport or two. I just want to have the Texture Shaded and Cartoon draw style that came with Daz Studio when I first installed it on my Alienware 13 back.
Texture shaded won't show a lot of advanced features, including emissive lighting. It should show textures if you have a map applied to the diffuse colur (and if the shader uses the standard naming for its channels).