keyMate Question

This product looks interesting, but I'd like more information on it. Can someone explain the advantages of using this over just using the Timeline, or even aniMate 2?
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This product looks interesting, but I'd like more information on it. Can someone explain the advantages of using this over just using the Timeline, or even aniMate 2?
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Of course I am biased, but in case you where wondering...
There is some information here
A short answer would be
- aniMate2 is an NLA(non linear animation) system
- keyMate is a linear animation Interface that operates on DAZ Studio's keyframes
What does that usually mean for the user?
- if you want premade animation segments(called aniBlocks) use aniMate2. A "lite" version is included with all versions of Studio. Purchasing aniMate2 allows editing of the keys inside the aniBlocks.
- if you want to create from scratch and/or are used to a traditional animation system. keyMate is what you probably want.
OK, thank you very much, Go_Figure, for the quick reply. I'm going to check out the link right now.
Keep in mind that the default interpolation on the DS timeline is of a cubic spline. Having linear interpolation would require a separate script, which after a while can become boring, so keyMate, which does linear interpolation by default, is work-saving. KeyMate also does key-frame copy/paste which is hard to do in the Timeline (again it would require a separate script, which does exist but is time consuming).
keyMate respects Studio's default of TCB interpolation, but allows you to select the keys you want linear and change them to linear interpolation.