Alessandro AM's Joey

Hey everybody,
I have Alessandro AM's joey and as I am using the kangaroo in a scene with a G3M model I have applied toon style morphs to, I want to apply toon style morphs to the joey too but there are no controls to do that in DAZ Studio that I see.
So is thise want I use those DAZ Studio deformers for? Or would it be better to export to Hexagon or Blender and make the edits there? In which format should I export to Hexgon or Blender, and in which format should I export from Blender or Hexagon? Truthfully I prefer Blender but if Hexagon works better I will try that.
I will take the plunge & give Hexagon a try:
TUTORIAL - Creating a Genesis/G2F/G2M Full Body Morph for DAZ Studio Pro 4.6 by RKane_1