CMS crash......and a total Genesis Takeover!

Well today a strange thing happened on the way to the office.......all looked normal, I had installed Stonemason's City After the War.......great day ahead. But then I shut down DAZ and suddenly "Boom" a rare Windows 10 blue screen........a full system crash! So after a shutdown from my side (Mr. Gates can mind his own computer memory, not mine) I restarted DAZ......and low and behold.....all content was gone, except a smiling Genesis Vickies 4, 6 and 7, no Kalea 7 no nothing. So I busted mr. Victoria 5 for a 17 fold Genocide (pictures will follow later) and went seemed she had tempered with the data as metadata worked well enough at first glace, but a screaching laugh from the prison cell complex should have warned me....indeed nothing had changes.....all content gone!
So now I've transfered my DIM files back into my original directory (on a 250 Gb SSD drive) and I'm installing again......ah, worst case scenario is a total reïnstall of the software and content.
Greets, ArtisanS
Nope, no help now I'm re-resetting the Database.....lets see, lets see!
Greets, ArtisanS
Things are returning back to some inevitable downloads....
So repapitulating:
If CMS initiates a system wide Windows 10 user content (that was never in any trouble).....then restore the database and install again!
Questions remaining:
1) What crashed the database in the first place.......usually these events are far from I guess that one will be impossible to answer!
2) Why Genesis remained in place....that is more interresting....that could be checked out by the DAZ hack team cause this takeover was to complete to be a co-incidense.....
Greets, ArtisanS
You are rather assuming that it was PostgreSQL that crashed and took Windows down, not vice-versa. I do think that's fairly unlikely
Hmzzzz, you've got a point there......I must crashed right at the point when I closed DAZ 3D........kaboom.....and all indeed a Windows own proces could also be the that case I have to set Victoria 5 free of course, then her being the victim not the criminal.....hmzzzz,
Greets, ArtisanS
Are you absolutely sure all your actual content files stored in the content location folder on your computer are gone? Did you look in a Windows Explorer window, or only in the content tabs in DAZ|Studio? In the vastly overwhelming majority of "all my content's gone!!!" cases reported by others, the installed content files are exactly where they've always been.
Two things can get messed up here, especially in a system crash just as you close D|S — the Content Directory Manager, which defines the actual folders on your computer where DIM installs your content, and the content database, which drives the Smart Content tab and the Products and Categories views on your Content Library tab. If either or both of these got disrupted by the crash, then there's no need to re-install all your content, because it's all still exactly where it was before.
What you need to do is either fix the CDM settings, or rebuild the content database. You might not even need to re-download the metadata before you rebuild the database. All of this is much faster than re-downloading everything, possibly multiple times, and won't eat up massive amounts of your download bandwidth.
Yeps, it was actually all I discovered to my amazement when your strategy did not work....I trie that first as well. But sometimes strange things happen. Today I made the stupid mistake of saving a FBM character preset as a prop.....silly was made on the basis of FWSA's XinQian G3/V7 character.....what was even more stupid, I broke of a character preset run just earlier. After that all hell broke loose.....a Chinese takeover of all the DAZ Gen3 characters (all 16 of them had default 100% QinXian in them body and head) and what I tried even reïnstalling all content didn't help. Until I found out (from another thread on this forum) that sometimes a whole set of Genesis 3 morphs get copied from Public to the User uninstalling uninstalls from the public but not from the user so all defective content neatly hid away from the delete routine (sneaky, sneaky)......a grab all del all finally got things up and running again.
Ah, lucky me, it was a boring sunday afternoon.....
Greets, Artisan