Shop/catalog saying things are "FREE", but are not, when in the cart.

The item

Shows as free in the shop display, and in the actual catalog page, but rings-up as the non-free price.


  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    I just added that product & got it for free but I sometimes have the problem you speak of, either a product won't be free that should or the price will be missing the sales price. Almost always, refreshing my browser after going to my shopping cart page will fix the problem. It remained free on checkout & paying too. You'll get a DS download and an obj download for the product once your cart is straightened out & checkout.

  • Refreshing the catalog, the cart, removing and adding it again... didn't change it for me.

    Can't check-out, because it is asking for credit-card info, which I don't have.

    Must have just caught it at midnight, and it still thought it was not free... Though it said it was. Now it seems eternally stuck with a pricetag. :P In my cart, even refreshed.

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    Make sure you are logged in is the only thing I can think of.

  • I just tried this with another browser since I already own it and it's showing as free.

  • I just tried this with another browser since I already own it and it's showing as free.

    Now it is showing as free..

    Problem solved. :)

  • ArtisanSArtisanS Posts: 209 such cases the intricate hierarchcal dance at the DAZ headquaters website maintanance team seems to be out of rithm! Best action, file a complaint on the forum and wait, or just wait untill someone else starts to complain!

    Greets, ArtisanS

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