Render times and how long can these take

Hi Gang:
First off I want to thank EVERYONE, and I mean EVERYONE who has tried to help answer some of my tireless and silly questions. Alot of my art is fantasy based, so I used a lot of subjects in my pieces. Once such piece in in the Grand Hall which I bought as a treat for myself. It looked impressive and has the aire of "The Mummy" to it. Anyway I watched some of the vides to try and bring down render times, but I am guessing that even by doing this - it will still take at least a day or more for just one image right? So if I do an ultra HD scene, plus I have over 10 figures in the scene, plus the woman's dive gear, could be 2 days eh? Hopefully one day I'll get one 3D image into Deviantart. Cheers for now - got my homework cut out for me, heh he
Lots of marble & lots of characters and such mean provided you don't excede the memory available and have lots of light in the scene for your nVidia video card you will need a day at 99.5% to feel comfortable if I was you. You can up the render quality to 2, 3, 4, or 5x. Try it and see how close it converges in a day by percentage terms.
It will stop after a designated number of minutes, unless you change that setting. (I think the default is like 2 hours)
That is a lot to render, for Daz.
Depending on your end-quality, and memory available, I would play around with changing the models sub-division levels. They display as 1 or 0 while editing, but jump-up from 1-4, when rendering, by default, on some items. (Always try the lowest on everything first. If that looks fine, you are done. If not, cut the rendering off early and change the questionable item detail.)
You should also take into account the memory on your NVidia device....mine is limited to 6Gb....if I add a single byte more I'm rendering on the i5820k.....and that introduces a verry substantial "this may take a while" error...
One thing to lighten the burdon....use lighter characters. I'm need to make a mass scene myself (a theatre audience) and therefor I will be adapting some of the figure textures for use with base poly characters....if I were to recude the 4000 x 4000 textures to 2000 x 2000 and 1000 x 1000 I would save a lot of VRAM. At least that is the theory, I have not tried this, but Gimp can certainly do the job and then I only have to remap a Vicky 4 and Michael 4 to the new texture sets and voila the memory load dwindles. In fact I wonder why there are no standard lightweight materials added to any DAZ product, or even better a light weight settings for any product that reduces the texture size for background objects. That would make DAZ a lot more addapteble and could pave the way to DAZ crowds. With IRay as a render engine that makes perfect sence.
Greets, ArtisanS