Saved Data

I noticed that the data files of Daz studio is automatically saved in two different places on my computers hard drive.
Is it possible to delete one of them to give myself more storage space or will the Daz studio not function properly without having both of these files positioned where they are?
Which two places? It's likely that they are not the same files, unless you mean Connect installs and Install Manager installs, in whichc ase the answer would be no, you can't delete one "set".
I have some Daz folders in my c drive under my documents. Then I have some folders that are under public documents! Can I move the ones that are located in the public documents to my documents?
The ones in My Daz 3D Library under Public Documents were installed via Install Manager, the ones in \Daz 3d\Studio\My Library will be anything you placed yourself from zips, plus files you saved if you accepted the default locations. You may also have a \Daz 3d\Studio\My Daz Connect Library in your documents folder if you've used Connect. None of those locations are compulsory, but moving already installed content can involve several steps to keep the Content Management system in sync. You shouldn't have actual duplicates in My Library and My Daz 3D Library, though
Ok Thanks!