Conspiracy theories about DAZ's silence

Kodiak3dKodiak3d Posts: 223
edited December 1969 in Carrara Discussion

It's been months since we've heard anything new about Carrara. Why would that be?

Could it be that, after seeing DAZ products used on TV in a re-creation of the raid on bin Laden, DAZ was attacked by terrorists?


  • GarstorGarstor Posts: 1,411
    edited December 1969

    Kodiak3D said:
    It's been months since we've heard anything new about Carrara. Why would that be?

    This will either be a fun, light-hearted thread...or it will devolve into mud-slinging and silly accusations (who? us? NOOOO!!! ;) ).

    Could it be that, after seeing DAZ products used on TV in a re-creation of the raid on bin Laden, DAZ was attacked by terrorists?

    Seriously? No, not the terrorists bit...the products being used on TV. Which show was that?

  • bytescapesbytescapes Posts: 1,831
    edited December 1969

    In other news, after what DAZ officials described as "credible threats", Victoria 5 and Michael 5 have been moved to an undisclosed location.

    I think silence is more easily explained by the rule that says "Don't say anything until you have something positive and/or definite to say", which is a good rule for businesses. But your theory is certainly worth considering.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,074
    edited December 1969

    I looked for Bin Laden in Carrara but unfortunately the garbos had been already :long:

    1920 x 1080 - 1M
  • bytescapesbytescapes Posts: 1,831
    edited December 1969

    Incidentally, you know that Mr Sparky offers a free model of the late unlamented Mr Bin Laden's house? (search in page for "Pakastani Mansion Building" [sic]).

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,074
    edited December 1969

    it is what I used in my render

  • ManStanManStan Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    This is certainly nothing more then my candid opinion.

    The delay of C8.5 rests squarely on the shoulders of studio 5. With the DAZ devs working to get the communications between studio and carrara working relatively smoothly, they will have to get things working right in studio before they can work on the pipeline to carrara, then get back to working on carrara.
    I'd say DAZ has no devs working on carrara now because what few they have are working on genesis and studio. I think we will have to concede that carrara comes after studio, genesis, and content.

    I gave up long ago on DAZ putting any real developmental time on carrara; out side of getting their latest money pit working in it. At one time carrara was close to C4D, 3DS, and lightwave. DAZ has consistently dropped the ball on carrara development, and fallen so far behind, that now it isn't even competitive with freeware; as far as available working features.

    I will now return you to what I am sure will turn in to cutesy, light hearted drivel to obscure the actual issue. So feel free to post your lolcats so the issue can be properly obscured.

  • GarstorGarstor Posts: 1,411
    edited December 1969

    angusm said:
    In other news, after what DAZ officials described as "credible threats", Victoria 5 and Michael 5 have been moved to an undisclosed location.


    I think silence is more easily explained by the rule that says "Don't say anything until you have something positive and/or definite to say", which is a good rule for businesses. But your theory is certainly worth considering.

    Well, I agree with you up to about 75% of that sentiment. There are times when it is good to make an announcement. If nothing else, to test possible market reaction. Or allay fears of vapourware (honestly, that thought about C8.5 is more persistent in my mind these days).

  • Kodiak3dKodiak3d Posts: 223
    edited December 1969

    Garstor, I can't remember the name of the show, but they were clearly DAZ products. One was M4 with the standard texture and unmorphed face.

  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634
    edited December 1969

    And there was me thinking all staff at DAZ3D had been accepted in to the BWC and is now plotting world domination.

  • GarstorGarstor Posts: 1,411
    edited December 1969

    Kodiak3D said:
    Garstor, I can't remember the name of the show, but they were clearly DAZ products. One was M4 with the standard texture and unmorphed face.

    I did DVR one program about SEAL Team 6 -- I don't recall seeing M4 used in it though. Maybe I'll watch it again to be sure.

    ManStan: I have little doubt about the accuracy of your view. I think DAZ has poured its resources into DS and has pretty much kicked Carrara to the curb. Damn cryin' shame...

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    You cannot be serious

  • CNSamsonCNSamson Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Conspiracy theories? Get Jesse Ventura on the case! :)

  • GarstorGarstor Posts: 1,411
    edited December 1969

    CNSamson said:
    Conspiracy theories? Get Jesse Ventura on the case! :)

    No, Alex Jones in The Man for this job... :ohh:

  • SockrateaseSockratease Posts: 813
    edited December 1969

    ManStan said:
    I will now return you to what I am sure will turn in to cutesy, light hearted drivel to obscure the actual issue. So feel free to post your lolcats so the issue can be properly obscured.

    I'm certain the delay has more to do with development of The Millennium Cow than anything else.

    But since you asked for them...


    370 x 500 - 25K
  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    ManStan said:
    This is certainly nothing more then my candid opinion.

    The delay of C8.5 rests squarely on the shoulders of studio 5. With the DAZ devs working to get the communications between studio and carrara working relatively smoothly, they will have to get things working right in studio before they can work on the pipeline to carrara, then get back to working on carrara.
    I'd say DAZ has no devs working on carrara now because what few they have are working on genesis and studio. I think we will have to concede that carrara comes after studio, genesis, and content.

    I gave up long ago on DAZ putting any real developmental time on carrara; out side of getting their latest money pit working in it. At one time carrara was close to C4D, 3DS, and lightwave. DAZ has consistently dropped the ball on carrara development, and fallen so far behind, that now it isn't even competitive with freeware; as far as available working features.

    I will now return you to what I am sure will turn in to cutesy, light hearted drivel to obscure the actual issue. So feel free to post your lolcats so the issue can be properly obscured.

    I can agree with almost all of what you're saying except for the last paragraph. If you want to see a near constant gripe about Carrara's 8.5 release, when it will or won't be, it's shortcomings, etc. etc. etc. Then you need look no further than the C8 beta thread stickied at the top of the forum page, or the threads that seem to pop up every time the beta gets close to expiring. I'm not saying people should stick their head in the sand, but sometimes there needs to be a little levity to relieve the stress and anxiety around here. To be honest, when I saw the thread, my initial reaction was to roll my eyes and exclaim, "again?!?" I was relieved to see it was a more humorous take on the situation.

  • CarltonMartinCarltonMartin Posts: 147
    edited December 1969

    Kodiak3D said:
    Garstor, I can't remember the name of the show, but they were clearly DAZ products. One was M4 with the standard texture and unmorphed face.

    "Bones" uses them frequently.

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    Kodiak3D said:
    Garstor, I can't remember the name of the show, but they were clearly DAZ products. One was M4 with the standard texture and unmorphed face.

    "Bones" uses them frequently.

    Can they see M4's bones? 'Cause I sure can't! (At least in C7 Pro).

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 9,969
    edited December 1969

    Kodiak3D said:
    It's been months since we've heard anything new about Carrara. Why would that be?

    Could it be that, after seeing DAZ products used on TV in a re-creation of the raid on bin Laden, DAZ was attacked by terrorists?

    heh, maybe they realised that no one cares any more - as evidenced by the lack of posters present on the forum....

    all I know is, I have saved a motza on Genesis related gear because I don't trust it to work n Carrara.

    Daz's silence and tardiness is just costing them money as far as I can see...
    Good for me, not so good for Daz...

  • GarstorGarstor Posts: 1,411
    edited December 1969

    head wax said:
    all I know is, I have saved a motza on Genesis related gear because I don't trust it to work in Carrara.

    Daz's silence and tardiness is just costing them money as far as I can see... Good for me, not so good for Daz...

    I concur. I have completely ignored Genesis and V5/M5 because even though I have DS installed, I want to work in Carrara. I don't trust beta code either.

    At Microsoft, we were encouraged to grab the latest alpha/beta code for applications and run it -- sorry, I have work to do and I want my applications to function normally. Unless my job is on the Test team (hint: it wasn't ;) ); then get back to me when the application is ready to ship.

  • cripemancripeman Posts: 63
    edited December 1969

    Genesis not being compatible with Carrara is an issue for me too.

    I don't know about anyone else ... when it comes to spending ... rhythm is everything.

    payday ... shop ... spend ... wait

    Lather rinse repeat.

    Break the cycle for to long ... I lose interest.

  • edited December 1969


    I'M IN! Let me tighten up my Foil hat . UMPH! There we go!

    Funny how the Whole Bin Landin Assassination myth is a lot like DAZ saying Carrara is NOT DEAD!

    AS for the Announcement and credit taken by the US Government that we killed bin Laden Required ZERO proof, No Body, no DNA, No Picture, No witnesses, just the head of some organization telling you it's a done deal... WE have never seen any proof that carrara is NOT DEAD! In fact its quite the contrary and all the evidence point to its demise.

    Look for an announcement that it is NOT dead but they Shot it, flew it to a Air Craft Carrier, cut its head off and through it overboard ! Oh an by the way we dont have any pictures or proof of any of that

    And DAZ is sorry to inform you all that all the peoples and code zombies that were working on the carrara 8.5- 9 upgrade were all conveniently killed in a helicopter accident. ALAS

    Just trust us its not dead! But feel free to buy up as many TOYS form DAZ in the mean time!


    PS Look for DAZ the Change the name of Carrara from CARRARA to BARRARA the next day after this announcement without explanation! just like every media outlet and US Government source in the US Changed "OSMAMA" Bin Ladins name to "USAMA" Bin Laden the day after the announcement....

    Funny how Life Imitates art ... or is it Art imitates life?

  • ManStanManStan Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Just to inform; and coming from me you know it's not BS.

    Genesis works quite nicely in carrara8.5. As weird as it sounds improvements to genesis in studio cross over to carrara. The latest version of genesis; and I need to replace my preset carrara genesis to get this, works with mil4 poses with out going all wonky. The feet turn up a bit at the ankle, but a very easy fix.
    Autofit works well with shoes now, an improvement in genesis/studio that seems to cross over to carrara.

    And if you don't have C8.5 you are missing out on improvements to bullet physics.

    Thing is there has been no updates to carrara in 8 months{?}. We never got the last announced update to the beta; you know the one that was announced to be out in a few days back in July, and we never got. And we really haven't heard anything since. The carrara beta has been dead in the water for so long it is easy to believe DAZ has given up on it. As I said, in my opinion DAZ is running a minimum developmental staff and they are all working on studio and genesis.

    Personally I have to wonder what the people running DAZ now are thinking. Starting with studio 4/genesis/the new forum/store/download system DAZ has manged to runoff/lose hundreds of customers, some people that have been DAZ fans/customers practically from the start. Then tenaciously stick to what is costing them customers. I read practically daily, posts by people that are so fed up with store and download issues that they quit DAZ. Or posts by people that aren't shopping at DAZ because they don't use genesis.

    Personally I think DAZs rush to get an award has cost them dearly and continues to cost them. Daz releasing studio 4 and genesis long before they were ready has left DAZ floundering to get back on top of things.

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,331
    edited December 1969

    I think that one of the things that is helping to slow everything down is the way people seem to intend on using duf - which is a true bummer.
    Why the hell would anyone want to build a scene in DS and then try and open that scene in Carrara - that's just wrong... but it's also what most peeps tried to do with it - and complained that it doesn't work right - which is the truth - it doesn't. But who cares? I'd far rather build a scene in Carrara and, for that matter, leave it in Carrara - or possibly have the option to export stuff directly from Carrara into some game engine compatible format (not for me... but...). I guess that duf has to either work or not. This whole duf thing is going to end up being a great thing though - I hope. If it becomes a better way for folks to transfer at least poses and shapes from one to the other - it will help to keep the Daz Tools pipeline working nicely.

    All I know is that I am quite impressed with how far they've come so far and I anxiously await the next helping.

  • EleleElele Posts: 1,097
    edited December 1969


    I'M IN! Let me tighten up my Foil hat . UMPH! There we go!


    (just funny comment, to tired to react on topic)

  • edited December 1969

    Elele said:

    I'M IN! Let me tighten up my Foil hat . UMPH! There we go!


    (just funny comment, to tired to react on topic)

    You think I am kidding!

    400 x 427 - 201K
  • tsaristtsarist Posts: 1,614
    edited December 1969

    ManStan said:
    I will now return you to what I am sure will turn in to cutesy, light hearted drivel to obscure the actual issue. So feel free to post your lolcats so the issue can be properly obscured.

    Funny, but true.
  • tsaristtsarist Posts: 1,614
    edited December 1969

    ManStan said:
    Personally I think DAZs rush to get an award has cost them dearly and continues to cost them. Daz releasing studio 4 and genesis long before they were ready has left DAZ floundering to get back on top of things.

    Daz really should have come out with a V5 along the lines of V4. Compatible with their software right out of the box. That would have put some serious cash in their pockets right away and they could have take time to get it right.
    Instead, they painted themselves into a horrible corner where they HAD to keep pushing Genesis on us, even though it wasn't ready.
    Same with their new website.
    Slow and steady wins the race.
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