Moving to actual script forum....

athenenoctuaathenenoctua Posts: 0


Post edited by athenenoctua on


  • TugpsxTugpsx Posts: 737
    edited December 1969

    If you have QT interface then you are 80% there. Wasn't there a QT builder included in the DS SDK or DAZ Pro distribution..
    The sliders can be linked to dz functions to get studio to react to them.

  • athenenoctuaathenenoctua Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Hi and thanks for your reply.

    I used the Qt Builder included in Daz Studio 4.5 to make the interface.

    I'm not sure what code to put in the header to enable the widget to remain undocked and overlain on the active viewport.

    Maybe I'll try some test lines and post them here.

  • athenenoctuaathenenoctua Posts: 0
    edited December 2012

    post moved

    Post edited by athenenoctua on
  • athenenoctuaathenenoctua Posts: 0
    edited December 2012

    Post moved. I have no idea how to delete this box.

    Post edited by athenenoctua on
  • athenenoctuaathenenoctua Posts: 0
    edited December 2012

    post moved

    Post edited by athenenoctua on
  • TugpsxTugpsx Posts: 737
    edited December 1969

    Here is a simple slider script.

    // DAZ Studio version 3.1  filetype DAZ Script
    var wDlg = new DzDialog;
    var box = new DzVGroupBox(wDlg);
    var w = new DzEnumSlider( box )
    w.addItem( "oh" )
    w.addItem( "my" )
    w.addItem( "Bob" )
    w.value = 2;
    // setup button to update debug results
    but = new DzPushButton( box );
    but.text = "debug";
    connect( but, "clicked()", butclicked )// click button to show update in debug
    function butclicked()
     debug( "val = " + w.value );

    BTW if this project is mostly script based it should be in the Script forum.
    if you want to call an external script from within be sure to set return point also.

  • athenenoctuaathenenoctua Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Ooo! Bless you.

    This isn't the script forum?

    Ok, I'll look for it.

    Thanks again.

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