Applying custom figure morph when loading a clothing item ?

Hi, new question!
Is it possible to trigger a morph on let's say a Genesis 3 figure when I load a clothing item ?
For example, let's say you have a clothing item that affects the shape of the breasts, is there a way to apply a custom morph on the G3F figure when the clothing item is loaded so everything looks as intended ?
Thanks for any help.
Post edited by StrangeFate on
If I understand your question correctly (which is can I apply a morph after applying clothes) then the answer is yes. You can continue to modify the body shape and the conformed clothing will adapt and adjust.
Thanks Lyoness, not entirely what I meant ...The idea would be to apply a custom morph (to the base figure) along with the clothes. Basically, just like how you can automatically pose a hand when you load a wearable sword or whatever, I'm wondering if I can apply a morph too to the base when loading an item.
Imagine you're doing a corset that affects the shape of the breasts to some extent. How would people go about that ?
1. Make it so it simply doesn't change the shape of the breasts at all.
2. Make a separate morph with the changes that people can apply manually after loading the corset, or...
3. is there a way to apply the morph to the base figure automatically when loading the corset ?
at first,, if you make morph for base figure, it usually auto-follow to the attached clothing. that means, you adjust breaset somehow of genesis3, then when you load any clothing and fit to actor, the breast morph are auto-trasnfer to the clothing. it is basic DAZ of Auto-follow system. Then your plan is,, when you load clothing, some morph which you decide need to load on figure. but it may auto-follow your clothing too. then you need to set the morph as not auto-follow. and need to save the morph as morph aseets again. then now the morph not auto-follow without you change option.
after that,, you load clothing and fit to genesis3, then select genesis3 , and apply morph which you saved. (eg breastmorph1) for genesis3 . it may not auto -follow anymore.
then select genesis3 (not clothing), and save as wearable preset.. here is option, to save Actor morph which you applied at current.
Now the wearable preset should load morph when it fit to Actor. but the moprh not auto-follow clothing.
good example is,, now I apply Ear morph for genesis3 then change her Ear as Elf.
then load accessory parented as neck. (not need fit to,, )
after that select Actor, then save as wearable preset.. you may see option, to save Actor morph current value in shape tab.
I seelct only ear morphs which I tweaked, by modified only (from sub option menu),
then save it as TurnEarElfNeckress.duf .
now when I load the Neckress from wearable preset,, my Actor should change As Elf character. I think,, you plan almost samething about clothing. then it should work,
if you plan carefully to choose morph when you save it as werable preset.
yes. I've seen this done.
it's called a wearable preset.
Thanks a ton Kitakoredaz!
Lyoness, yes... it's been some rather confusing days learning everything needed so sometimes it's hard to tell what's what and what the limits are :)
Been there... a lot.
Keep at it!!!