DSP4.5 AND Uber Surafce ?

I finally made the big switch from 4.0Pro to 4.5 Pro, the install went fine but when I began using it I was a bit surprised. The light presets and the uber surface shader by omnifreaker are no longer in my library. Are they no longer part of the built in content? I really liked the uber surface shader.
Mine are in My Library > Shader Presets > omnifreaker. I am using DS
Did you install the Genesis Starter Essentials file as well?
Sorry, mine are in My Library > Light Presets > omnifreaker, and they are UberareaLight and Uberenvironment2
They don't show up in Smart Content since there's no metadata (to my knowledge). Like JimmyC recommended, take a look at your Content LIbrary and you should be able to find it. One of the reasons I want to learn how to create my own metadata is to sort little things like this out so I can load in all my needed items directly from the Smart Content window.
You'll find you might have to re-install a few things, by the way. I had to re-install Femine Touch for Genesis after upgrading. I have no clue why things went away, but they did...
OH, and get this script:
Any time you open an item that has WARNING: Duplicate IDs
have that script handy (you can put it in your pulldowns or make a button) and it'll open the folder where the offending file is and will fix it after you click on it! I love it, saves me TONNES of time and works great!
That's where I was checking for them since that was their location in 4.0. I spent last night doing searches and manually going through the files so I uninstalled 4.5 and the essentials and then redownloaded and installed. Everything works fine now and I am a happy camper LOL, Thanks for the response and help.
Thanks a million !!!! I had seen that warning a couple of times already so I will definitely download that script.
I still think updating your extra purchased Genesis related content is the better option to fix the Duplicate IDs than running a script but that is just my opinion. :) Updated Genesis Products List & Thing To Be Aware Of
Sometimes it is better to update old content because you may get some improvements to the products but unless you wan to spend a massive amount of time studying that thread you will never know. And even then a lot of times products get a point revision and no one knows why. Then you have to redownload content and installing again I can't see the value of doing that for no reason. I use the fix ID script with no issues and it allows me to spend more time working and less time doing maintenance tasks. Most of the time just getting rid of the error message is all you need.
Each to thier own as I did state "just my opinion". :) I don't have much new content so it is easy for me to update and I don't consider it a waste of time.