Daz Studios 4.9 pro - Removing all light sources (iray)

I have a question regarding Daz Studios 4.9 pro.
I have gotten back in the 3-d art world of design after a long (10 year) absent and my knowledge greatly revolves around Carrara 8 Pro, Lightwave (Newtek), and poser. I tried daz studios way back when it was in it's early stages briefly and havent experimented with it extensively. After coming back I noticed all the advancements that have been done to the programming / plugins and decided to give it a try to compare and contrast capabilities from what am used to regarding my area of technical experience. That is my background as it brings me to my question regarding the technical aspects of Daz3d regarding lighting, light sources and ambient light.
Attached to this post is an example of a light that is cast without a light source. Much like in Carrara ambient light via Scene > Ambient , it can be disabled so you never get that light from any other source than the lights you add to the scene. My issue regarding Daz Studios 4.9 pro is that I have removed, disable options in Iray, disabled headlight in attempt of trial and error to remove all ambient light. When I render the scene I have light when the scene should be rendered completely black. How does one achieve a scene without any light than the light you create from a limited source?

Looks like the camera light is on, or maybe not. :)
Select the camera, then go to parameters > Headlamp
I have studio load a default scene; in it there is a lamp placed below the ground, and with a power rating of 0.001 in the various settings. This provides no light, but always ensures the Camera lights are off. (Thery are set to auto by default - and adding a light turns them off).
That default scene I load, also has Render Settings > Environment Intensity (for HDRI) set to 0.001.
This should ensure a black scene.
I generally have to go into render setting and turn off the default skydome: Render settings -> Environment -> Environement Mode -> Scene Only
Bear in mind that you still may not get a black scene in the VIEWPORT unless the preview lights are turned off (usually are). Ctrl -L on PC toggles. Also the HDRI lighting (dome) will not be apparent in the viewport.
Turning preview off will enable a pseudo-headlamp, even if you have the headlamp off for rendering. You need preview on to suppress all light.