G3F Y-Rotate

Recently the rotation controls for G3F have turned red and the Y-rotate is stuck in the range of -22 to +22. When I go into parameters and change the value, the figure will rotate, except the neck and head stay in the same place which causes a deformity. Why would you alter the program to change this setting, and is their a way to put it back?

402 x 956 - 115K

763 x 543 - 118K
The (2) before the X/Y/Z Rotate indicates that there is more than one Modifier with those names. Normally you would access them individually using the appropriate part of the parameter tree, not by using "All". To access the rotations for G3F you would go into General > Transforms > Rotation. But I don't see the "General" branch in your screen shots.
Do you have my Headless for Lilith 7 and Genesis 3 Female by any chance? This has separate controllers for the head called "X Rotate" etc., and shows the same duplication when "All" is selected. The "Y Rotate" connects to the Head Twist, which is why there is a limit of 22.
Yes, I do have Headless, which I have never been able to work right. I am not sure where this "General" tab is that you are referring to. Why does daz 3d allow a product to take over the "All" category?
I think there is something strange with the way you have DAZ Studio configured. I have attached a screen shot of what I can see in the Parameters tab with G3F selected. (The Headless controls, incidentally, are accessible via Actor > Head > Real World > Headless.)
What version of DAZ Studio are you using?
All shows all paramters, if there are two or more with the same label then they will (by default) be shown only once, with a number in front to inidicate how many use that label. If you turn off Consolidate Prop[erties in the Parameters pane option menu (the lined button in the top corner, or right-click the tab) then they will be shown separately and you can - if desired -chaneg the label on one set.
By Jove, Richard, you are right! Thanks for that nugget.
I have version 4.9 installed.
I think if you click on the arrow to the left of "Genesis 3 Female" listed underneath "Currently Used" on your screen shot, things like the "General" and "Actor" pathways should appear, and you ought to be able to control the rotations from there.
And if you want to use the "All" list, you can uncheck the "Consolidate Properties" option in the Parameters tab, as Richard has said. That should separate the two sets of controls.