Fabric... How's it hanging?

Hi all,
I have a figure and a blouse and in this case, I woulde like the blouse to hang off the front of a female characters breasts rather that for it to 'conform' exactly to her contours as is typically the case.
Is there a method I can use so that the fabric 'hangs' rather than it forming around a shape?
Thanks in advance,
This is a perennial problem, the fixes are morphs (lots of morphs controlled by the rotations if you don't want to reshape the clothing for each pose) or dynamics, sending the cloth and the wearer to an external applications (Blender, Marvellous Designer) or using something like VWD with its Daz Studio/Poser plug-in (therea re said to be other DS dynamic plug-ins nbder development, but we don't yet know the details). Of course you can use a dynmaic clothing engine to generate morphs, combining the two methods. Zev0's Fit Control offers some help, but I didn't find a way to use it to get cloth to hang free, or to hnag free to a waist tuck.
VWD would probably offer the best solution, although if you can use modellers, Blender might give a quick fix by shifting about verts, and passing back the morph.
you could even use Carrara, it has quite good softbody bullet physics for draping on objects, just not animating, at least not with rigged or morphed mesh.
converting your clothing and fiigure to a prop in DS and then opening it and your figure (even genesis 3 will work as a prop) in Carrara you can use softbody on the clothes mesh and then export the obj with morphs and skinning along the timeline where it looks best.
Hi all,
Thank you for taking time to think on this... I think I need to digest your suggestions and do a bit of trial and error with each.
Hi Richard, Thanks for your comments here. Indeed the issue of dynamic clothing keeps being raised. It's good to hear that plugins to allow non-Optitex dynamic clothing to be used in DS may be under development. Can you say if this is a high likelihood scenario or just a vague rumour? Do you know if the issue of dynamic movement of cloth and or hair, including gravity, wind and collision physics is being seriously considered by DAZ3d for inclusion into DS, or are these features considered outside the scope of DS? In other words, should we be patient or should we look for alternative software for these features?
I have seen posts from Kendall Sears or Allessandro AM (the Look at My Hair team) saying they are working on a dynamic plug-in of some kind, and that they ar aware of others. There was also a thread in product Suggestions asking for wind and such which had a reply from someone that seemed to suggest they were working on a tool. However, no real details have been given for any of these things.
I looked at VWD but couldn't find a Daz plug in and winced a bit at the cost... Art over budget... The perennial. perennial angst.
The easiest way to minimize that effect cheaply is to shrink the breasts to an average or small size.
You're right of course, but generally you're suggesting a compromise that confines any particular image to budget and medium. In this specific case, the clothing will follow the shape be they melons or walnuts which challenges the flow or shape of the image I'm looking for. The photorealistic capacity of Daz for example can be compromised by the 'realistic' bit, gravity is real and dynamic clothing doesn't always follow gravity.
I suppose I could try the pose suggesting the cloth is wet...
Hi all, how do I make clothing look wet so I don't have to bother about it clinging to a body shape?
If I have the products, maybe I could try posing it for you? I have VWD, and do use Blender. Depends how much work is involved, as I'm working on a dissertation and two seperate assignments. I'm a mature student, so also have other commitments, but I do need a break now and then. :)
That is a very kind offer and I thank you. But I'm a bit old school in that I have to bang my head against a rock until I find a way!
Good luck in your studies.
you can always add or use smoothing and set collision on the clothing to a sphere or something and move that to push it around.
or conform it to a second hidden figure and dial up different parameters for lower chest upper abdominal areas
Now there's an idea...
I have tried the conforming the clothing to a second hidden figure, but the issue then is how to get the second figure (hidden) to move exactly the same way as the first figure (visible)? For a single still image this can work providing that there are not to many figures so as to overload the system, but how would this work when animating a figure?
It seems that we are always looking for work arounds for problems that could easily be solved by the professionals (DS programmers and perhaps some PAs).
Actually...if they were that easily solved, they would be...there have been several attempts at physics plugins, to varying degrees, and that is exactly what it would take: a full physics package.
Hi mjc1016, Well when I said "easily" I was speaking relatively. It certainly wouldn't be easy for me as a non-programmer. However, not many programmers would know how to make a transgenic bacteria or virus, which in fact is a piece of cake to those in the know! I'm sure you take my point.
A full physics package, says you. I'd pay real folding money for that, says I.
I suppose it's a lot of work to implement such a package. I guess that the question is; would it sell well? We know that several programs have such features built in or as plugins. It's just disappointing that DAZ Studio has not... yet.
the best solution is to create a fix morph
send to Hexagon and use soft select to move the mesh or use a Dformer in D|S are two ways that many do it.
another way is to use my Sphere primitive with collision set to it idea on the base outfit at baseresolution, hide the primitive and export an obj to import as a morph target.
Way back when we first got the current collision system it was mentioned that what we now have was the 'easy' solution...and that it was very basic (and limited), but it is better than nothing.
If it's a one-off morph for one pose that you want (easy to whip up quickly in a modeller), I have a tutorial for doing clothing morphs with Blender:
Hi SickleYield, thanks for this, I'm going to give this a go as I think that while I am a bear of very little brain, your tutorial makes it look like something even I could do.
Thanks again,
Ah, needs morph loader pro...
you have it!
free D|S4 is pro version with those addons
I've found a reference to it under 'installed plugins' but where is it? How do I get it on the tool bar or start it? It's not in scripts...
Wait a second... Got it!
Thanks for that.