Facing Front

Referring the attachment, all three characters are facing in the same direction but the two on the side LOOK like they are facing off to the sides. How do I change this and make it APPEAR that they are all facing forward like the character in the middle? Thanks in advance for, what I assume, is a basic question.

1459 x 369 - 205K
It's because of peripheral angle of the subjects to the camera. To make it look like they are facing the camera which is what you are really after, you can make the character on you right turn to his right about 5% or so and have the character on your left turn to his left 5 degrees or so by clicking the root node (top level) of the character and using the rotate tool (top right above viewport in D|S - the arrow making an almost closed circle with a pointer on it's top right) to turn on I think it's the X-axis (can't check because I'm rendering).
Also, in the Freebies thread mcCasual has a thread with a freebie that makes characters automatically face the camera.
Thank you.
Got a link for that?