New system not even trying to use the graphics card

I just got a new system for the nice graphics card, but my renders aren't even trying to use it. It an Nvidia 1060, with 6 gigs of ram, but even trying to render a single figure it's staying on the CPU instead of using the card. I already went to the Nvidia control panel and set the permission for DAZ to use the card, so it's not that.
What else do I need to check?
Are you using the release version ( or the beta? The release version doesn't support Pascal cards. The beta verion will. Also, you need to verify in Studio render settings that the GPU is selected. It doesn't always default to the gpu. The Nvidia control panelk really doesn't mean anything here.
Which version of DAZ|Studio? I think only the current beta version has support for NVidia's new 10xx series cards — remember, the cards are very new and very different from what we had before, so we've had to wait for:
So far we're waiting on that last step. If you install the beta you'll get support for your new card, but remember what a beta is — a test version, that might or might not still have showstopping bugs lurking in it. DAZ is saying to us users "here, try it out, see if it crashes, try to break it." Use at your own risk. Until then, any system with a 10xx card will always drop back to CPU rendering.
Installed the Beta and got it running. Runs the graphics card fine now. Thanks!
Tried Winterblack Halls as a benchmark. Loaded up the Iray Promo 1 preset, still took a half hour to get to 1%. And got the system to about 80 degrees C. But it all fit on the card!
Note that the convergence value isn't always a useful measure of "looking good", it all depends on your lighting and the exact settings for the materials in your scene. I've had some scenes come very quickly to a non-grainy state, while the convergence is still quite low. And other scenes will run to the convergence stop limit and still look a bit grainy.
Hmm. It's got a different problem though. The program itself takes several minutes to open. Once it's up it works fine though. Should it be taking that long for Beta or is something wrong?
Shouldn't take any longer than your other full release version.
One thing to remember; since the beta is installed completely independently of any release version you might have installed, it does not share the same settings. Did you make sure all the content location settings were copied across (have to do it manually) and any plugins not in the default set re-installed? If you miss any of this, the beta might misbehave or not be able to find some of your content.
What security software are you running? Have you set permissions for the release version that you have not matched for the beta?
Kaspersky. I did set the permissions for DAZ Beta, but it hasn't helped.
Seems like Kapersky has turned into Norton (controls the system so much it has become the virus).