Best render settings

I'm doing a video using large stills -- we're tallking 3840x2160. I'm making them that size because I'm going to be doing pans and zooms on them. Does anybody have a recoomendation about settings? Because I'm doing a render at 10,000 samples and 98 percent, and it's now at 75 percent complete after 10 hours of rendering. But I'm concerned that if I use the default settings, it won't hold up to the pan and zoom technique. Eventually I plan to put this up on YouTube as HD quality. Thoughts? Should I size it down? I'm also rendering to disc rather than to screen to speed things up. Any help would be welcome.
I deduce your using iRay (Iray, iray, IRay :-)). Well someone (Sixus1 from CGBytes/ know what) advised to up to 7680 x 4320 and then downscale....use 2500 samples and let the scaling take care of additional noise......have not tried it yet though.
and yes his youtube channel is rather clean but his tut rock!
Greets, Ed.