Content Library Thumbnail Size

Hello everyone. I was wondering if anyone knew of a way to increase the Content Library thumbnail size in DS 4.5. I've got it set to display assets as icons in a grid, but the thumbs still look tiny to me. I thought it may be my Windows screen resolution, but it seems the same regardless. I'm running Win7.
The icons are 91 x 91 pixels, and I don't know of any way to change that. Even if you change the pixel size to say 120 x 120, it still display the same size of 91 x 91.
I don't think there is a way to do that. The thumbnail size is legacy from Poser... as far back as Poser 2, I think, when they still used RSR files exclusively.
Okies. Thanks for the info guys. I guess I'll just have to render myself a better pair of eyes and cope. Once again, muchas. :-)