Is there way to clear all hidden facet again?

Hi , there is option to "set hidden facet" for main figure,, when some item fit to. it is not only for geografted item,, but simply "hide facet"), eg boots or SF attachment etc.
then I know,, we can set and change those hidden facet, by geometry editor too. and I can set only one facet (eg teeth) ,then set another as visble. (If I only hope to render those hidden facets) But I hope to un-set "all hidden facet". (remove all, then return default and set all facet of mesh visible again)
though I believe I can do it, by editting dsf duf,, and before I did so, but not hope to do everytime when I just need reset hidden facet for those items "to set visible hidden facet" is to keep vertex count ,and make morph easy,, about Actor and "fit to" items with posing .
If Actor have some hidden facet,, I think I can not make morph correctly. then I need "un-fit to" once, and export actor as individual mesh .. but Usually I just need to export all scene, once, then I divide by Figure name mesh group,,in other 3d aprication, after that,, all part keep vrtex order and vertex count.
it work at least for me,, but only when,, the clothing have set "hidden facet" for actor,, this routin not work. (about Grafted item, hidden facet in the roop,, I need not care,,, I use geometry editor, as current tool, then it show all those hidden facet again with keep "fit to" if you have Gen product, you can clear see, those hidden face are return,, when you set tool as "geometry editor") or there is option,, (thanks DAZ_Joshes to cear teach me the usage) as morph loader option,.
but about "hidden facet" without "geo grafted roop" both ways seems not work,, when I change tool,, it not show those hidden parts facet again,, and moprh loader option not work too. (it may not count those "hidden facet" only count "geo grafted hidden facet!" I think.