G3 V7 pose exporter

Still working with V4 and Studio 4.7. Thinking of upgrading to the new stuff with V7. I was very fond of using the V4 pose exporter script to make my own V4 poses. Is there a similar script to use in the new version of studio with V7? I'd like to be able to create and add my own poses to my library, you know have my poses right there along with the pro poses. Helpful suggestions are very much appreciated. Thanks
Now there is a Save menu option for saving poses...File > Save As > Pose Preset.
Yes, but that is a general .duf file. I used to create poses using a script I got somewhere on the message boards called "Poser Format Exporter v1.3 (DS3 Only)". It was awesome. Miss it. Is there anything like that now? Thanks for the reply.
That old script allowed all sorts of options like not affecting V4's tranformations or rotations, just the figures pose joints.
That's all doable with in the standard save dialog...
Thank you MJC. Much appreciated. So I did that. How do I get the file to be in my runtime poses with all my other poses. I saved it to the folder with my poses (all .pz3 and PNG files there) but it saves as a .Duf and is not visible in the particular folder when I'm looking in Daz. Thanks
Create an empty .txt file then change the extension to .pz3 and give it the same name as the .duf file.
If you had Poser Format Exporter it should be in DIM and your product Library, since it was a store product (albeit free) from Daz.