Content not showing up in Daz3d ...

I have a new computer i7 Intel and a Nvidia 1070 card.
I have a primary SSD (C) where I installed Daz3d but it is only 120gigs. So i installed all my content to reg Sata hard drive...(E) which is 2 terabytes.
So I startup the Daz3d program no problems, but am unable to load content...see attached file.
Used the DIM to install all content and verified all my inventory went to the E drive.
Hope that is enough info...if not I will be happy to elaborate.
Any ideas would be appreciated,
PS...added the DIM path settings also...if that helps.

ScreenHunter_02 Dec. 01 14.37.jpg
257 x 200 - 9K

ScreenHunter_02 Dec. 01 15.29.jpg
534 x 506 - 48K
Post edited by kentphoto on
I have Daz3d on the primary C drive 120gigs, which is a SSD And I put my Daz3d content on the E drive which is 2 Terrabyte drive.
So I startup the Daz3d program no problems, but am unable to load content...see attached file.
Used the DIM to install all content and verified all my inventory went to the E drive.
Hope that is enough info...if not I will be happy to elaborate.
Any ideas would be appreciated,
PS...added the DIM path settings also...if that helps.
Did you add the path to your content inside of DS itself (not DIM)?
I would not put program Files in the path - Windows may decide to protect the location. However, the main issue may be telling DS where you content is - have you added the folder you are installing to as a DAZ Studio Format and a Poser Fomrat content directory in Daz Studio? The folder should be listed under those heading in the Content Library pane, if it isn't you can add it be right-clicking on the heading and selecting the Add Base Directory/Add Runtime Directory command.
Merged threads
Sorry, I don't understand what you are saying. Can you tell me in a Step 1: do this Step 2: do this.... format.
Sorry to be so dense when it comes to understanding Daz3d and the root folder system.
Here is a link to the documentation on the Content Directory Manager.
Thanks Barbult...this should help! :)