Does anyone know? Button "Base Joint Correctives"

Does anyone know whether the button named "Base Joint Correctives" is an add-on anyone can download for Pro Edition? I can't find it in my version of DAZ Pro Edition. Is this a PA-only thing?
That comes with the developer kit of the genesis 3 figure, which is only available to PAs.
Thanks for the info!
So Actualy what the tool offer only for PA? Is there more tools only for PA?
if DAZ plan to offer those tools (which make for contents for daz studio) for DAZ PA only. I may perfectly stop to use DS and buy DAZ contents anymore.
hope to dixirbe those in DAZ sales page,, If the product is made by PA only tools.
I have believed,, when start play daz studio,, there is only skill problem between hobby user and DAZ PA s. then I have bought many items from DAZ .
which I may not make with my skil (at that time) land my life time.. then I spend my money.
but nowdays, if DAZ plan to offer those tool for PA only, that means hobby user can not make those items for daz studio , even though learn many things.
it may be change to learn r how to use DAZ PA made contents. I feel, daz may offer more tool for PA only. I think,, few years later,
PA can only make contents for daz studio with more flexibility.
even though DAZ studio will version up, and get many new tools. I know,, it is business,, but DAZ must lost many hobby user who have believed , at least
DAZ help user to make 3d contents by them selfs., not only plan just sell DAZ contents. if DAZ push those PA only tools, that means,
DAZ real hope,, hobby user need not make contents , but just buy DAZ product.
I don't have the tool, but I don't believe the developer kit does anything you can't do without it - it isn't like the HD morph loader. It's just a convenience, not a necessity.
Yeah, it's simply a property that has all the JCMs hooked up to it so if you turn it off the JCMs all turn off. Useful while rigging clothing but not critical. Anyone could create the same thing pretty easily by:
OK thanks DAZ_Josh to take your time. it is clear enough,, I may no need to ask more detail about this PA tool.
Then, I appreciate all of your daz tool video tutoriall (I think, you offer those) , as same as Allen DAZ 3D high heel tutoriall.
Glad you find our videos helpful!