While I appreciate the snap on tools approach that Daz has taken to allow for maximum flexibility. Would it be possible for Daz to take a new approach? There needs to be a way for a finished figure with geografts attached to be exported, sculpted, then re-imported as a morph.
... or is there a way to do that currently?
The way I've created morphs for a geograft...
Load the graft item, by itself, set to base resolution, export (for Blender). Import it and the figure it is for (already have an optimized export saved for Blender) separately into Blender. Make sure that Vertex order is preserved. Sculpt. Export the sculpt, making sure that the graft is the only thing being exported, Import into Studio with Morph Loader, to the graft item. Then return it to usual resolution, fit to base and if it is working as desired save it...
Aaaah ... so you import into your sculpt program two separate items then just use the genesis(1,2,or 3) for reference? That sounds doable :) ... Many thanks!
In Morph Loader Pro there is an option toward the top called "Load Morphs For" that will help you out. It defaults to Primary Figure, but if you change it to Primary Figure From Graft then you should be able to do what you are asking to do. Workflow would be:
It's not an ideal workflow since it involves running Morph Loader Pro multiple times and sometimes things don't work quite as well as I want them to, so at this stage all I can do is suggest you give it a try and see how it turns out. It might work. :)
A comment related to the order you load the morphs in...The order that you load these in will affect your workflow and might affect your results. On workflow, if you load the morph on G3M first it will automatically project that morph to the geo-grafts so when you load the morph on them you need to make sure to configure it to update the morphs (make sure Overwrite Existing is set to Deltas Only instead of the default Make Unique). If you load onto the geo-grafts first then that won't be the case. What I don't know is whether the results change based on the order you are loading the morph on. In the past we have found differences but I don't know if that has changed since then. I haven't tested it in a long time.
DAZ_Josh thank you discribe about the morph loader option. I always felt difficulity "Load Morphs For" , now it seems clear..
then,, I do not know it is recommended, but when I make morph for geo grafted item (fit to), and Primary figure Posing (and morphing)
I usually set current tool as "geometry editor", untill I export meshes.
the merit is, if I set tool geometry editor, it show all hidden poligons to attach geo grafted for primary figure again. .
then exported obj keep vertex counts for primary figure. without "un-fit" geo grafted item. then I keep work with current pose, and current positoin, current morphed shape (primary figure, and geo-grafted items )
If I do not change tool,, then I keep fit to,, exported mesh seems not keep vertex count l. (I think daz export obj .have no option, to keep hidden grafted poligons without un-fit again)
Now I re-test again, then the problem was when I import morphed mesh by morph loader to DS, the vertex count not same as the primary figure. (some poligons are hidden to attach grafted item with fit to) . DS export primary figure mesh with hidden grafted mesh too. then when I re-import morph target (primary figure) to DS, usually tell me erroer message,, not much vertex count, then I think,,the option Josh said,, may work to keep vertex count for primary figure. without "un-fit". ( in spite of the option, I have used geometry editor,,when import primary figure morph target, to keep vertex count for primary figure hidden poligons)