Creating veins

Hello everybody!
I want to create veins for G2/G3 character and to get an advice from more advanced people. By creating i mean making their geometry and coloring them. For geometry i should use something like ZBrush or Blender, i suppose, but i have no idea how to color them... I would love to hear your opinion about that.
You cannot add geometry when creating morphs and the G2s and G3s are low density meshes. Vein morphs would need to be done as HD morphs and only DAZ vendors have access to the technology to create them.
You could, though, go hi-res in the modelling program and bake out normal/displacement maps...not a perfect solution, but workable.
You could do something like the image below. I created them in Gimp, and I create or add them to SSS maps.
Depends on how realistic you require, but I fade parts and they are made of two layers, one blurred, the other not, and I mess with those also.
I then get some showing through in the renders, but obviously no physical change; I suppose they could be used as displacement maps with some changes, but IRAY isn't a fan of displacement.
And if required, what you did could more reflect the true vein layout, it would take time to do though; it isn't a requirement for me as a rule.