Smoothing character's geometry

Hi, everyone!
Does anybody know how to smooth character's surface in Daz studio except using D-former? On attached picture is shown result of using of three d-formers, but still it isn't well looking. And i doubt that it is possible to get satisfying result only using d-formers in this situation, so i would love just to select vertexes or polygons and slightly move them on right places to get smoothing result. Does anybody knows is it possible to do?
By the way, i found this product in the shop:
but first of all, i got G2 character, and then i'm not sure that it will help me in my situation.
Post edited by ant2505 on
Your picture is missing, so I don't knoww hat you have or what you are trying to do. Have you tried applying a smoothing modifier - Edit>Figure>Geometry>Apply Smoothing Modifier?
Sorry, something went wrong with the picture. Here it is.
Thanks, smoothing modifier helped, but i need more smoothing and only in this area, but not all figure. What do you think?
That's probably the sort of thing that would best be done in a modelling application and loaded as a morph, using the smoothing tool in the modeller. If you ahve Hexagon (or ZBrush) you can use the File>Send to command for the application to get the mesh in and out.
Thanks for help! One more question: is there any possibility to controll this smoothing modifier? I mean to make it smooth character more or less.
To be honeslty it take you more time than export and reduce problem by another 3d aprication,,
but If you hope to use smooth modifier, and limit influence,, you need to export " smoothed mesh "as morph at first.
( keep smooth modifier "on",, then set mesh geometry as "base resoluion," and need to set "interective up-date on", then you can export current smoothed shape as morph.obj)
unfortunately,, there is no option, to limit influece of smooth modifier,, at current,, but you can use morph loader "attenuate option",. with D-former weight map.
(or you can select node as attenuate option,, but not limit as you like I think),
apply D-former on to genesis2female,, then select D-former base (filed as you like) ,, apply new D-former weight,, in Node wegith map tool,
then color influence weight manually.. (you can use smooth weight too), remember,, it is not for D-former, just make "map" to attenuate smooth morph.
then import the "smooth morph" by morphloader,,, with attenuate option, as "D-former" weight map. (which you made) .
after that the import morph can be used without smooth modifier. though it may only work well about current posing and shape.
Thank you for your detailed response!