Export to CR2 *WITH* all of its textures? Can it be done?

As the title says, I'm trying to figure out how to export a figure to CR2 in a way that includes all of the textures -- diffuse, bump, normal, displacement, whatever. I'm on Win 7 64-bit, using Studio

I've tried exporting a couple different ways, both with "Collect Files/in Base Runtime" checked, and without. As far as I can tell, it makes no difference. Plus, I don't actually know where Studio is pretending to put the files when I tell Studio to collect them; yes, there's a base runtime path shown, but that's *all* that's shown, and there's no message saying, "Putting texture files associated with CR2 export over here." It's not putting them into the same directory as the CR2. The log file is absolutely silent about what the program thinks its doing with them.

When I reopen the exported CR2 in Studio, even though I've tried to export the other texture files, the only thing that shows up is the diffuse map.

Any information anyone can provide will be much appreciated.

(And hopefully, in other versions of Studio, that dialog setup is FAR more verbose. Having it silently do something in a way that leaves you uncertain whether or not it's done anything at all is not the best way to work, no.)


  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    It seems that the exporter only understands a small subset of the maps...diffuse, opacity, bump (maybe one or two more, I didn't check all of them).  Basically, what Poser 4 or so understood.  Also, if you are loading them from a Runtime/Textures folder, they may not actually be moved anywhere, although if you save to a zip, they should be in that.

  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,903

    Well, I tried that and ran into the same issue. I told it to collect the files into a zip instead of in a runtime. Studio exported the CR2, and this time I got a message asking what I wanted Studio to do with the Genesis2Male_randomnumbersandletters.obj file. The first time, it refused to complete the export because I didn't want to put the OBJ file into a runtime/geometries directory. So I tried again, and this time, I told it to put the file in the Runtime/Geometries folder.

    The export completed.

    The CR2 file is exactly where I told Studio to put it.

    Texture files? OBJ file? Heaven only knows, and if Studio knows, it's not telling me. The zip file is not in the destination directory with the CR2 file. The OBJ file isn't in either the destination directory or the Runtime/Geometries directory. And the temp directory that it allegedly pulled the OBJ from no longer exists.

    Basically, there's no part of this process that informatively tells the user what it's doing and where it thinks it's putting things. (I suppose at this late date, a feature request for Studio to have an Excessively Verbose mode in which it tells you every single thing it thinks its doing isn't likely to happen.)

    Thanks for trying to help.

  • BejaymacBejaymac Posts: 1,897

    Been a long time since I last used it, but iirc the CR2 exporter can only create Poser 4/Pro Pack material settings, which means it can only add Diffuse, Opacity, Bump and Reflection textures to the settings.

    You are also hampered by the shaders being used on the figure you are trying to export, the fact you are only seeing the Diffuse map means that was the only channel the exporter recognized from that shader.

  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,903

    Unfortunately, the CR2 exporter didn't even export the Bump or Specular maps when I set the figure to Studio Default shaders. It's just not seeing them, somehow.

    I do understand why the shader being used can make a difference, though.

    It just seems odd that the exporter would never have been upgraded so that it could handle other maps,but them's the breaks, I guess.

    Thanks for the information.

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    It's not really the exporter...it's that even though Poser has jumped far ahead of the P4, it is (P4) pretty much the default compatability mode, so there was no reason to change anything.

    And when I ran it last night, it was dumping out the bump, for me.  Specular...nope.  Diffuse, Bump, Opacity and Reflection...that's it, just those 4.

  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,903

    I'll give it another shot later and see what I can do to maybe get it to at least do diffuse and bump. Anything that would reduce the number of passes would be good; as it stands, depending on what I want to do, it's a minimum of three and more likely four export passes to get each texture set, because I have to reload the bump/specular/normal into the diffuse channel. Probably not going to do that sort of workflow too often, no.

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