Scene is black

We start with new empty scenes and are trying to get some interior settings to load to place characters into and create scenes from but when we load an environment (let's say "Deco Lobby" just as an example) it is black, none of the lights are working. I've even tried loading Deco Lobby's "Promos" which should load in as completely lit and ready to render scenes but anyway nothing we do works and this is a problem with various architecture/environments from various artists. What is going on and how do we fix this?
Post edited by Chohole on
Not sure, since the Aux Viewport appears to be working correctly. Does it show correctly if you turn the light preview off (cmd(Mac)/ctrl(Win) L).
Okay, once you said that I checked on what it would look like with Prieview turned off but for some reason preview was already off. Once turned on it still dosen't show lights (i.e. the spotlight type of lights shining up from the sconces) but when I go to render it looks like it's going to render correctly. After some experimenting we have found that when these environments/scenes/architecture (whatever yoiu want to call them) are loaded in the preview is automatically being turned off for some stupid reason and this is what was completely confusing us because we assumed that the preview would still be on. Anyway, I thank you for the help, any suggestions on showing the lights in the preview so we can tell where spotlights are casting and other lighting? We are very very new to Daz3d
I ahve the same issue. Was this never resolved by anyone?
Same problem here, If anybody have an answer :/
Open Window-Prewiev Ligts or Ctrl+L its Done.