tutorials for adding morphs to clothing?

I am trying to create and add morphs to clothing, and save them as add-ons for the original item. Specifically at the moment, I am taking poser dynamic clothing and draping them in Marvelous Designer, then saving the results as morphs. I can import those morph targets into the clothes in DAZ, but how do I make an "inj" file so that I can easily "inject" the new morphs into the original.
At some point I would like to be able to share/sell morph sets and clothing items that I have made (original) and would like to know how to make them conforming, and add shaping and movement morphs. I have searched for info, but I know there must be a better way to learn this stuff. I vaguely remember seeing a vendor with tutorials on how to do these things. Anybody know who or where I can get training?
If they are legacy rigged items (clothes for Victoria 4/Michael 4 or the like) that would depend on the model - in the fairly unlikely event that it set up as an ExP item you could use ExP Exporter; if it had blank injection channels (not unknown but still fairly rare) you could perhaps use a tool like Injection Pose Builder; if it had no provision for adding morphs your only option would be export a fresh CR2 for the clothing (File>Export).
For weight-mapped figures, as long as th clothes were originally supplied as or have been saved by you as figure assets, you can use File>Save as>Support Asset>Morph Asset, selecting your new moprhs in the options dialogue.
Assuming you have imported and at least run the transfer utility on the item, to give it a basic rig....have you saved it as a FIgure/Prop Asset?
If you have, then it will be a 'weight mapped' item and to add morphs you use the Morph Loader Pro. Then, after check to make sure it works, you save it as a Morph Asset...then when you reload the item, it is already 'injected', just set to 0. To change, you dial up the morph in Parameters or Shaping.
(That's a very stripped down version of the process....)
These go into greater detail:
Sickleyield's video tutorial:
Basic Rigging: http://docs.daz3d.com/doku.php/public/software/dazstudio/4/userguide/creating_content/rigging/tutorials/transfer_utility/start
Another Sickleyield Tut: http://sickleyield.deviantart.com/journal/Tutorial-Requested-Loading-Morphs-in-DAZ-Studio-450007378
Another basic rigging, with emphasis on clothes: http://www.digi-dotz.com/index.php/free-poses/tutorials/daz-studio-tutorials/26-basic-genesis-clothes-rigging-in-daz-studio-4-5
Thanks! I will check these out. Right now I working on Legacy clothing, but will do Genesis stuff too at some point. I haven't had any trouble making the morphs or loading them with Morph Loader Pro, just haven't been able to save them other than as a scene. I tried ExP Exporter, but couldn't get that to work. Hadn't tried Injection Pose Builder yet.
Sorry, Injection Pose Builder won't work - I was getting confused. In any event, both approaches require that the orignal figure be set up to work with them (as an ExP figure or with blank channels) which few are.
What I need is how to make my morphs as a separate package to be "injected".
The onyl way to do that, if the clothing wasn't set up to load new morphs or to provide blank channels, is to create a new CR2 file that will load the original CR2 and add the enw morphs - I think AprilYSH had a guide fro this, but it was a while back and may not be available any more.