.dsa doesn't work

Hello everyone!
I've got an issue with "New Genitalia For Victoria 6 - 2.0". I choose V6 then double click on product icon (it has .dsa extension and i guess must execute some script) and nothing happens(... If i click on .duf file (which has "don't use this file" icon, so i guess this isn't a solution) it loads geometrics, but without textures. So, how to make this .dsa file do it's job?
I don't know the answer, but perhaps have a workaround. Does your product come with the corresponding poser files that you can use instead when the DS files don't work? Possibly V6 is too new for that though, can't remember.
Can't tell for your question but I think you need to actually have Victoria 6 loaded for the .dsa to work and if you want to use it on another character you save it is a figure/prop in duf format.
.dsa is a script file - I suspect you are looking at a materials preset that goes on the Genesis 2 Female Anatomical Elements, which you need to own and have loaded and selected. The base Victoria 6 does not include the anatomical elements, only textures for them if you have them (from one of the adult Genesis 2 Female Pro bundles).
I believe the product in question is a third party offering...but I suspect what Richard was saying is what is going on. That the file that 'does nothing' is a materials file, not a file to load the item.
Richard Haseltine
Yes it is a script, but if nothing is selected in the scene and i double click it, the message appears, that G2F or a compatible figure needs to be selected. And i have a G2F genitalia in my library if you mean that and i tried to apply this script for it, it didn't work.
I tried it with V6 loaded and selected in scene - no result.
The requirements on product page says it needs
Daz studio 4.8 + and G2 character, no word about Poser.
I am a newbie, so probably i make some silly mistake. I'm using Daz studio 4.9 and applying this .dsa file to a G2F character. Have no idea what am i doing wrong in this situation(.
Here is documentention for that product:
OK, that is a product you should contact the creator of the product for at the 3rd party site you bought it from. The name of the site you bought the product from is in the script. Generally though on DAZ Studio products there is a preset that will load the product & the texture set that goes with the product for example like the Genesis 2 base characters. If you pay attention to the icons in DAZ Studio they have often words on them: 'character', 'material', 'prop', and so on, so pay attention to any words on this icon pictures.
Ignore my earlier comment. I thought I had tab open to an earlier problem I had with another product. Sorry. Thanks.
Solved! The reason was my "content" folder that i created a long time ago inside "my library" folder. It was my "brginner's" mistake. After i moved this product's folder from "content" to "my library", the .dsa file works fine