Question about multiple surfaces modeling

So I've been doing some modeling in zbrush and I was wondering how do you get Daz to recognize certain parts of the model. Example of this can be when I use one of the swords I purchased in the store and put Iray surface on it, it splits it into multiple surfaces and I can adjust the material and color on the grip, pummel, blade. I was trying to make a sword of my own and was wondering how something like this is done.
You can create groups in ZBrush, but they won't - as far as I know - go across the GoZ bridge so you would have to export as OBJ from ZBrush and then import into DS to keep them.
Thx Richard. I have another question about that too. When you import as obj it puts the item in a weird spot and I've been having hard time rigging it. I tried scaling down the import and placing it on the proper surface it should go but if I transfer utility it usually just throws the object back to the original position and scale. What am I doing wrong?
It sounds as if you have the wrong scale or axis settings in the import dialogue - as I recall, for ZBrush the modo preset will work.
that worked perfect thx so much!