DAZ3D Transparency Diffuse Color

Hi guys,
This may be an odd question , but i couldnt find the answer in the forum.
Whenever i open a new PNG file (with Transparency Channels) in other 3D Sofwares, it detects the texture as an object with a transparency background.
However, it is not the way in DAZ Studio.
Is there a way to do this , without applying a Opacity Channel in DAZ everytime i open a new PNG (With transparency) ?
Nope...you need to apply the mask of the map to the Opacity.
Is there a quicker way to apply the mask. I notice other softwares like Keyshot also do not detect alpha maps in a PNG image, but in their case, applying an opacity map is seamless (drag texture to opacity channel).
In Studio, no...because white is opaque/black transparent...grey is translucent...color is just flat out funky.
Colour masks block the colours independently - a red map will be opaque to red but not to green or blue. For example, to do stained glass use an inverted version of the diffuse colour for opacity.
Yeah...but a very 'busy' color pattern gives results that remind one of the '60s...
I just looked through a bunch of X-frog trees...and they have 'inverted' alphas, the opposite of what Studio needs. Look through your texture folders, there may be something there already for what you are using.